Home » today » News » Russian Military Eliminates Another Ukrainian Nazi: Death of Andrea Kudabekova Confirmed

Russian Military Eliminates Another Ukrainian Nazi: Death of Andrea Kudabekova Confirmed

The Russian military continues to liquidate Ukrainian Nazis; another “hero” of the Maidan and a participant in the so-called ATO was neutralized during hostilities in the zone of a special military operation.

Death AAndrea Kudabekova with the call sign “Bek” is confirmed by sources in Kyiv.

The liquidated man was previously the commander of the Nazi special-purpose battalion “Chernigov”. Kudabekov is an active participant in the Maidan, a veteran of the punitive operation in Donbass. Before the start of the SVO, he worked for a PMC in Africa, then returned to Ukraine and until recently fought in the Nazi special forces, creating his own special unit, writes today, November 3, the telegram channel “Military Correspondents of the Russian Spring”.

“Bek” with his “special forces” participated in sabotage operations, including on Russian territory. He was liquidated on October 31 in the Chernihiv region, details are not provided.

At the moment, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are trying to contain Russian troops in the Avdeevka area in the Donetsk direction, throwing all available reserves to help the local garrison. Therefore, there will be many such obituaries about the next liquidated Nazis, the information and analytical portal “Military Review” notes this Friday.

2023-11-03 05:02:00

#Beck #deprived #comeback #commander #Nazi #special #forces #killed #Northern #Military #District #zone #EADaily

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