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Russian microbiologist: COVID-19 did not originate in China – Analysis

The first reports of a pneumonia outbreak in China began to appear in December 2019, reaching its peak in early 2020, when most countries around the world were forced to go into self-isolation and strict quarantine, and the WHO announced the coronavirus epidemic. . At the same time, the details of the appearance of the new virus became known, writes Lenta.ru.

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According to scientists, the virus entered the human body from bats in China, while the version of the removal of the SARS-CoV-2 strain from the laboratory was considered unlikely. Then many began to blame the people of China and blame them for the spread of the epidemic, which the world still can not cope. It is true that everything turned out to be far from as simple as it may seem at first glance.

Leading scientists do not rule out that COVID-19 was created artificially

Russian military microbiologist Mikhail Supotnitsky believes that the coronavirus does not come from China at all, as it is believed.

“SARS-CoV-2 was spread among the European population through isolated cases and local outbreaks of COVID-19, but was accepted by doctors for influenza or severe pneumonia,” said the specialist. “In Italy, especially in its northern part and Sardinia, bats infected with a coronavirus-like virus were found a few years ago. That is, ecosystems containing COVID-19-like viruses have long existed in these regions. You should look for the coronavirus there.” , states Supotnitsky.

He is confident that the coronavirus epidemic will end.

“I cannot say the month and year when the epidemic will end. I can only say with complete certainty that it will end. “COVID-19 is a cyclical infectious process and therefore the epidemic is cyclical,” he said.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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