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Russian Lancet UAVs Equipped with ‘Shock Core’ Warhead: Unstoppable Lethal Capability

New Russian kamikaze UAVs (loitering munitions) of the Lancet family are believed to have acquired a so-called “shock core” type charge. The essence of equipping this warhead is that no nets, gratings, “barbecues” and other structures will protect against it, the Internet resources of our military officers report today, November 9.

EADaily has already reported that Lancets have become a universal weapon (they use cumulative and high-explosive warheads) and an extremely useful weapon. A video appeared on the Internet demonstrating the use of the Lancet with a “shock core” against armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The footage shows an airborne detonation of a warhead of a flying Lancet a few meters before a sample of enemy equipment. Such videos were noticed by Russian expert Yuri Podolyaka, who commented on it on his Telegram channel. The expert noted that he had known about the “shock core” for a long time, but had never seen it in action. Now he saw how the Lancet works with a “shock core”, from which there is no protection.

“By the way, this is far from the only “surprise” that awaits the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the coming months. You wanted a technological war, we have something to say about this. I think that already in winter the groans of the Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers will be even louder. But I don’t know everything that’s being prepared. But what I already know allows me to write what I wrote…” Podolyaka concluded.

In turn, the Ukrainian developer BLITZ Aircraft Unmanned in his blog confirmedthat the improved Russian “Lancet” with a LIDAR sensor (laser locator) located next to the directional camera guides the APU armored vehicles before contacting them. LIDAR is a system for obtaining information about distant objects using the reflection and scattering of light in transparent and translucent media.

“This solution is effective against nets and similar protection. Most likely, tests or one-time use,” clarified from BLITZ Aircraft Unmanned.

#Russian #Lancets #acquired #shock #core #EADaily
2023-11-09 15:00:00

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