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Russian Houses face suspension in six European countries

Rossotrudnichestvo cannot continue the work of Russian houses in Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia, Macedonia and Romania. The suspension is connected with the decisions of the governments of these countries, said the head of the Russian department Yevgeny Primakov. According to him, Rossotrudnichestvo is transferring resources to Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Mr. Primakov told “RIA Novosti”that in some countries the governments interrupt the operation of intergovernmental agreements on the activities of cultural centers, “somewhere we fall under the next expulsion of diplomats, because our employees are usually accredited at the embassy.” “We have to curtail work. If people have left, but new visas are not given, then the whole thing freezes. <...> We voluntarily do not close anything. Why help idiots who are trying to abolish Russian culture, language, literature?” Mr. Primakov said.

Rossotrudnichestvo announced the transfer of employees from Europe to the countries of Africa, Asia and neighboring countries in May 2022. According to the agency, Russian Houses “work great” in the Central Asian republics and neighboring countries.

Restrictions against Russian houses in Europe are introduced after the start of the military operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Romania closed such a center in February 2023. The Foreign Ministry accused the Russian House of “participating in actions to distort the presentation of reality and historical truth.”

On the foreign policy of Russia – in the material “Kommersant” “Means of counterconception”.

Leonid Uvarchev

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