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Russian Forces Launch Assault Operations in Avdeevka: What is the Current Situation?

In particular, the head of the Center for Military Legal Research, Alexander Musienko, agrees: enemy forces are focused on improving tactical positions in Avdievka. Which could become the final assault chord of the winter campaign.

“Their exhaustion, either near Avdeevka or near Kupyansk, will reach such proportions that even if they reach residential areas or what’s left of it, it can hardly be called a success. Our forces are defending powerfully. How far the Russians can advance will be shown only military operations. But due to the huge losses, they are unlikely to be able to conduct large-scale offensives. In the near future, that’s for sure,” he told RBC-Ukraine.

What is the current situation in Avdeevka?

Thus, over the past few days alone, the Russians have carried out assault operations in at least 16 places. There is a slight advance in the north near Stepnoye, the enemy from time to time comes close to the fence of the Avdeevsky coke plant. He also advanced in the south on the outskirts of Vinogradniki, fighting is taking place between Kolosov Street and Yasinovsky Lane. The southern industrial zone is most likely captured.

“What is the advantage of the Avdeevka “industry”? It is located on commanding heights. This means that as soon as the Russians take complete control of it and bring up mortars and artillery, this will create serious threats for our defenders,” explains military expert Vladislav Seleznev.

2023-12-15 07:31:21

#Experts #explained #Avdeevka #final #assault #chord #Russian #Federation

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