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Russian Forces Blow Up Kakhovskaya Hydroelectric Power Station: Consequences and Motives

“According to the available information, it became known that the enemy is moving his most combat-ready units from the Kherson direction, these are primarily units of the marines, airborne troops and the 49th army,” Malyar writes.

As the Deputy Minister of Defense explained, given the losses and limited reserves, as well as understanding the inability to restrain the offensive of our soldiers in different directions, the Russian command decided to “narrow down” the geography of active operations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

“The undermining of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station was obviously carried out in order to prevent the Ukrainian Defense Forces from carrying out an offensive in the Kherson direction and to release the necessary reserves for their transfer to the Zaporozhye and Bakhmut directions,” Malyar added.

By blowing up the hydroelectric power station, Russia is trying to divert part of the forces and resources of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to eliminate the man-made disaster and make it impossible to liberate the occupied territories on the left-bank part of the Kherson region.

Undermining the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station

On the night of June 6, Russian forces blew up the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, which led to serious consequences. Water from the reservoir flooded many settlements in the Kherson, Mykolaiv, Zaporozhye and Dnepropetrovsk regions.

The most difficult situation is observed in the Kherson region, especially in the temporarily occupied territory of the region. Enemy forces refuse to evacuate the civilian population and also make it difficult to rescue people with shelling.

It should be added that Russian propaganda spread the version that the dam was destroyed by an alleged missile strike from Ukraine. Engineering experts refuted the enemy’s claim. According to them, such consequences could only be caused by a powerful undermining from within.

Also recently, the Security Service of Ukraine published the interception of the conversation of the invaders, which confirms the involvement of the Russian sabotage group in undermining the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station.

2023-06-11 08:12:03

#Released #reserves #Malyar #explained #Russia #blew #Kakhovskaya #hydroelectric #power #station

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