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Russian forces are advancing in Donetsk and controlling areas in Zaporizhia

Russian Ministry of Defense In a statement on Saturday, it is "As a result of offensive actions, important lines and positions on the Axis were liberated ZaporizhiaMore than 30 militants were eliminated in one day".

The ministry statement added: "In the Zaporizhia direction, as a result of offensive operations, units took control Eastern Military District Lines and locations constitute gains of value".

The statement revealed that more than 30 militants were killed and two armored vehicles, two pick-up trucks and self-propelled guns were destroyed "acacia" and defense Howitzer "D-20".

He was the head of the movement "We are with Russia"Vladimir Rogov said: Russian forces It managed to break through the first line of defense of the Ukrainian forces in certain sectors of the Zaporizhia region.

Rogov, a member of the Main Council of the Zaporizhia Region Administration, added in an interview with RIA Novosti that there is "Battles are taking place in the region, accompanied by the advancement of the Russian forces and the liberation of a number of points along the entire front line".

Rogov indicated that the main line of defense of the Ukrainian armed forces was established in the cities of Gulyapoli, Kamenskoye and Orekhov, and the last two cities are considered the main exits to the city of Zaporizhya.

Rogoff also said the Russian army He advanced a distance of 7 km in one day in the direction of Zaporizhia, indicating that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had a shortage of shells, including for the M777 howitzer.

In addition to the above, the Russian defense statement indicated the following:

  • Two D-20 and D-30 howitzers, and an artillery ammunition depot belonging to Ukrainian forces near the village of Vodiane, Donetsk, were destroyed.
  • A US-made AN/TPQ-37 anti-battery radar was destroyed near the village of Malinovka.
  • A Ukrainian fighter was shot down "Hundred-24" near the village of Vladimirovka in Donetsk.
  • A helicopter was shot down "May 8" belonging to the Ukrainian Air Force near the village of Lozovaya district Kharkov.
  • 3 missile launchers were intercepted "Hemars" And"Oagan"and an anti-radar missile "Harm" In Vasilievka and Grzovoye districts of Zaporizhia.

Yesterday, Friday, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that its forces had taken control of a town Klychevka In Donetsk’s axis"Lubkov" In the Zaporizhia region, amid continuing progress in all axes.

Russian forces are also making progress in the Donetsk region, especially after they took control of the town of Solida, where Russian sources reported that Wagner forces are close to besieging the city of Bakhmut, in the northeastern province of Donetsk.

Bakhmut siege

video" refid="1590281"></sna></p> <p>وبحسب المصدر ذاته، تمكن الجيش الروسي من السيطرة على المنطقة الصناعية داخل المدينة، مشيرا إلى أن <a href="https://www.skynewsarabia.com/keyword-search?keyword=%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%82%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%AA+%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%A9&amp;contentId=1590502">القوات الروسية</a> تقوم بعمليات تطهير للمناطق السكنية.</p> <p>وكان أحد أهم إنجازات القوات الروسية في المعارك سيطرتها على مدينة <a href="https://www.skynewsarabia.com/keyword-search?keyword=%D8%B3%D9%88%D9%84%D9%8A%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B1&amp;contentId=1590502">سوليدار</a>، كما أعلنت وزارة الدفاع الاسبوع الماضي، وأكدت الوزارة أن هذا يسمح بقطع الإمدادات عن القوات الأوكرانية في باخموت.</p> <p>وإلى الغرب من مدينة <a href="https://www.skynewsarabia.com/keyword-search?keyword=%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%AE%D9%85%D9%88%D8%AA&amp;contentId=1590502">باخموت</a> في دونيتسك، سيطرت القوات الروسية على بلدة كليشيفكا.</p> <p>وقال بوشيلين: &quot;هناك تطهير خطير إلى حد ما يحدث بالفعل هناك، وبعد تحرير كليشيفكا، تنفتح الآن آفاق جديدة للتقدم هناك، مواقف القوات الروسية تحسنت بشكل جذري في المنطقة&quot;.</p><sna relatedids="1589590,1589422,1589306,1588966" reftype="articleGroup"></sna> <p class="mceNonEditable"><sna reftype="program_episode" refid="1589439"></sna></p> <p class=""> وأكدت <a href="https://www.skynewsarabia.com/keyword-search?keyword=%D9%88%D8%B2%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%A9+%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AF%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%B9+%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%A9&amp;contentId=1590502">وزارة الدفاع الروسية</a> أيضا سيطرة قواتها على بلدة كليشيفكا، بحسب وسائل الإعلام الروسية، مشيرة إلى مقتل 60 جنديا أوكرانيا.</p> <p>ويوم الأربعاء، قال أبتي علاء الدينوف، نائب قائد الفيلق الثاني للجيش التابع لقوات <a href="https://www.skynewsarabia.com/keyword-search?keyword=%D9%84%D9%88%D8%BA%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%B3%D9%83&amp;contentId=1590502">لوغانسك</a> الشعبية، إن القوات الروسية قطعت شرايين الإمداد الرئيسية للمجموعة الأوكرانية في المدينة.</p> <p>وأشار دينيس بوشلين، إلى أن تجمع القوات الأوكرانية في المناطق المحصنة في <a href="https://www.skynewsarabia.com/keyword-search?keyword=%D8%B3%D9%8A%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%B3%D9%83&amp;contentId=1590502">سيفيرسك</a> ستكون عرضة لاقتحامها والسيطرة عليها أيضا.</p>">

The local chief said DonetskDennis Pushilin, your fighters are forces "Wagner" About to lay an operational siege on a city Bakhmutindicating that the situation of the Russian forces in Solidar improved further.

And he said Pushillin: "We can say that the situation is about Artemovsk Bakhmut, if not close to completion, is close to the operational blockade that the Wagner units there are seeking.".

And Thursday, one of the group leaders reported "Wagner"that the allied forces are moving successfully, and battles are already taking place within the city of Bakhmut itself.


The ministry stated that the Russian forces took control in the Donetsk axis of the village of Dvorich in Donetsk, noting that the Ukrainian army suffered losses amounting to 50 dead and wounded.

And she said Russian Ministry of Defense In a statement on Saturday, it said, “As a result of offensive actions, important lines and positions on the axis have been liberated ZaporizhiaAnd more than 30 militants were eliminated in one day.

The ministry’s statement added: “In the direction of Zaporizhya, as a result of offensive operations, units took control Eastern Military District On lines and sites that constitute valuable gains.

The statement revealed that more than 30 militants were killed and two armored vehicles, two pick-up trucks, Acacia self-propelled guns and artillery were destroyed. Howitzer “D-20”.

The head of the “We are with Russia” movement, Vladimir Rogov, said that Russian forces It managed to break through the first line of defense of the Ukrainian forces in certain sectors of the Zaporizhia region.

Rogov, a member of the Main Council of the Zaporizhia Region Administration, added, in an interview with Novosti Agency, that “battles are taking place in the region, accompanied by the advancement of Russian forces and the liberation of a number of points along the entire front line.”

Rogov indicated that the main line of defense of the Ukrainian armed forces was established in the cities of Gulyapoli, Kamenskoye and Orekhov, and the last two cities are considered the main exits to the city of Zaporizhya.

Rogoff also said the Russian army He advanced a distance of 7 km in one day in the direction of Zaporizhia, indicating that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had a shortage of shells, including for the M777 howitzer.

In addition to the above, the Russian defense statement indicated the following:

  • Two D-20 and D-30 howitzers, and an artillery ammunition depot belonging to Ukrainian forces near the village of Vodiane, Donetsk, were destroyed.
  • A US-made AN/TPQ-37 anti-battery radar was destroyed near the village of Malinovka.
  • A Ukrainian Su-24 fighter was shot down near the village of Vladimirovka in Donetsk.
  • A Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter was shot down near the village of Lozovaya in the region Kharkov.
  • 3 missile launchers were intercepted.Hemarsand “Awagan”, as well as the “Harm” anti-radar missile in the Vasilievka and Grzovoye regions of Zaporizhia.

Yesterday, Friday, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that its forces had taken control of a town Klychevka In the Donetsk and “Lubkov” axis in the Zaporizhia region, amid continuing progress in all axes.

Russian forces are also making progress in the Donetsk region, especially after they took control of the town of Solida, where Russian sources reported that Wagner forces are close to besieging the city of Bakhmut, in the northeastern province of Donetsk.

DonetskDennis Pushilin, your fighters are forces "Wagner" About to impose an operational blockade on the city of Bakhmut, indicating that the situation of the Russian forces in Solidar has improved further.

And he said Pushillin: "We can say that the situation is about Artemovsk Bakhmut, if not close to completion, is close to the operational blockade that the Wagner units there are seeking.".

And Thursday, one of the group leaders reported "Wagner"that the allied forces are moving successfully, and battles are already taking place within the city of Bakhmut itself.

video" refid="1590281">

According to the same source, the Russian army managed to control the industrial zone inside the city, indicating that Russian forces It carries out clearing operations for residential areas.

One of the most important achievements of the Russian forces in the battles was their control of the city solidarThis, as the Ministry of Defense announced last week, confirmed that this would allow the Ukrainian forces to be cut off at Bakhmut.

And to the west of the city Bakhmut In Donetsk, Russian forces took control of the town of Klychevka.

Pushilin said: "A rather serious purge is already taking place there, and after the liberation of Klichevka, new horizons for advancement are now opening up there, and the positions of the Russian forces have radically improved in the area.".

confirmed Russian Ministry of Defense Its forces also took control of the town of Klychevka, according to Russian media, noting that 60 Ukrainian soldiers were killed.

And on Wednesday, said Apti Alaudinov, deputy commander of the 2nd Army Corps of the Russian Federation Luhansk Popularly, Russian forces cut off the main supply arteries of the Ukrainian group in the city.

Denis Pushlin, noted that the Ukrainian forces gathered in fortified areas in seversk You will be vulnerable to being invaded and controlled as well.


The local chief said DonetskDennis Pushilin, the Wagner Forces are about to put an operational siege on a city Bakhmutindicating that the situation of the Russian forces in Solidar improved further.

And he said Pushillin: “We can say that the situation is about Artemovsk (Bakhmut), if not close to completion, then close to the operational blockade that the Wagner units there are seeking.”

And Thursday, one of the leaders of the “Wagner“, that the allied forces are moving successfully, and the battles are already taking place within the city of Bakhmut itself.

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