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Russian Fighter Jet Fires Missile at British Aircraft in Misunderstood Order: US Officials

A Russian plane fired a missile at a British aircraft last year after misheard an order.

A Russian plane was about to shoot down a British one last year. According to representatives of the American army, this did not happen only because the missile did not work.

Writes about it Yahoo.

Two defense officials with knowledge of the incident over the Black Sea on September 29 said the situation was much more serious than first reported and could amount to an act of war.

A Russian Su-27 fighter pilot “misunderstood” ground controller commands and fired a missile at an RAF aircraft, US officials said. Fortunately, it didn’t work. One official described the incident as “very, very scary.”

In turn, the British RC-135 Rivet Joint reconnaissance aircraft listened in on communications between the Su-27 pilot and ground control. It is possible that the missile was deflected by a set of defense countermeasures on board the RAF aircraft, but a spokesman for the British aircraft declined to suggest why the missile did not fire.

Then in October, British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said that a Russian plane fired a missile in “close proximity” to a British aircraft. However, he said he did not see the move as a deliberate escalation, as the Kremlin called it a “technical malfunction.”

It should be added that information about the incident was contained in the “leaked” Pentagon documents. However, Wallace stated that much of the content of the leaked messages was “false, manipulation, or both.”

“We strongly caution that no one takes the veracity of these allegations at face value, and we also advise you not to rush and question the source and purpose of such leaks,” the British defense official added.

Recall, the UK Department of Defense warns that there is a “serious level of inaccuracy” in the secret US documents leaked online, which in particular contain information about the war in Ukraine.

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