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“Russian Embassy Employees and Night Wolves Biker Club Visit Monuments in Berlin”

Employees of the Russian embassy visited memorable places in the area of ​​​​the monuments of Russian soldiers in Berlin.

Members of the delegation were exempted from the ban on carrying flags and other symbols in places of solemn actions, issued by the German authorities due to fears of possible clashes.

The police said that the followers of the Kremlin club “Night Wolves” came to Berlin from the Czech Republic. They came to the demonstrations with flags, which violated the current ban.

The police forced them to surrender their flags. Other members of the Night Wolves arrived in Berlin from other parts of Germany.

“Night Wolves”

The first official biker club in the USSR that existed since 1989 and still exists in Russia as a public non-profit organization “Russian Motorcyclists” registered in 1995.

Due to its support for the occupation of Crimea and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the motorcycle club is under international sanctions from all EU countries, the USA, Ukraine and Switzerland.

2023-05-09 19:40:19
#Members #Kremlin #movement #Night #Wolves #violated #ban #wearing #Russian #flags #Berlin

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