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Russian “Elite” in Search of Luxury Real Estate in Krasnodar and Crimea – Pravda.Ru

Representatives of Russian “high society” who remained in Russia after the start of the SVO and sanctions are looking at real estate in the Krasnodar Territory and Crimea. Those who could not or did not want to leave intend to settle in Russia, but with nuances, writes Pravda.Ru.

The nuances are simple – they want in Russia the same level of service, comfort and safety, as well as infrastructure (from doctors to cooks, from roads to restaurants and schools) that they “considered worthy abroad.”

Recent surveys of VIP families conducted by the Banker and New Riga Live projects showed that, in addition to their own arrangement in the new-old place, the Russian “elite” is concerned about investing in the development of infrastructure and public space for themselves, and at the same time for the rest of their fellow citizens, as reported in the next Elite Life (Europe) newsletter. It is simply unsafe to sit among dirt, poverty and anger without a chance to leave, which means we need to improve the social infrastructure, create architecture pleasing to the eye, develop transport communications, education, the entertainment industry, etc.

February 24, 2022 divided the world into before and after. And now the children of those who were unable (for reasons of civil service, business, sanctions, etc.) to relocate, literally demand from their parents to create all the attributes of foreign life on the spot, because that’s what they are used to. As wealthy Russians reported, their neighbors most often fled to Britain, the USA, the UAE, Italy and Spain, less often to Turkey and even to Australia and New Zealand (the latter are popular as places of possible refuge from nuclear war).

Those who remained in the Russian Federation believe that the current “political circumstances” will drag on for “at least thirty years,” so they are gradually settling down or planning to live by the sea.

At the same time, everyone has almost the same requirements – convenient logistics, transport accessibility and infrastructure, safety, the highest level of comfort – it is already difficult to do without this. A trivial example – currently dozens of large sea yachts are located in the Black Sea. The owners managed to remove them from sanctions, but no one has yet figured out what to do with such property in Russia. Such a number of marinas for yachts, especially huge ones (with service, refueling, etc.) have not yet been built in Russia; they are only planned to be created (albeit quickly) in Crimea.

In addition, entertainment infrastructure, including shopping, education and food, is in great demand. The Krasnodar Territory (Sochi, Gelendzhik), where the elite is going to build and buy (if they haven’t already done so) dachas/housing/villas/villages, automatically takes on the role of Russian Monaco (it is in these conditions that the “elite”, forced to stay in the country, wants to live). by the sea. At the same time, even VIP families are surprised by the appetite of developers and realtors in the region. “There are a lot of plans and hopes for Crimea, but after the Northern Military District, when it is safe, and, most importantly, when stable air traffic returns.” The elite calls the Crimean peninsula “a diamond that has not yet been cut” (many undeveloped cities, mountains, undeveloped territories for reasonable money).

Some of the VIP crowd and high-ranking businessmen, officials, and stars began to “enter” Crimea, buy apartments, plots of land, villas and even entire villages, as well as carry out construction. Indeed, it is no longer possible to go to old Europe, France, Germany, the sanctions, interethnic risks and military-financial turbulence are too high. And in stable conditions, the rich return to such paraphernalia as expensive art objects, historical rarities, and collecting. They no longer need “gadgets with software”, but rather concierges, cooks, servants and drivers of their limousines. By the way, this is an international trend: Western media have noticed that “the rich are again surrounded by live servants, and the poor are surrounded by digital services.”

Representatives of the Rublev and similar “elites” again began to build… shelter bunkers. As the VIPs themselves note, a good bunker definitely doesn’t put a strain on the billionaires’ party. Such objects are even created on the basis of villas. The thought at the same time is “if rockets and bombs fly, we’ll live at least a little, if there’s a pandemic, we’ll wait it out, and if everything is fine, I’ll make a wine cellar or a cinema there.” The rich expect a war or a new pandemic in 2024-2026, so they want to be fully armed.

Let us add that sociologists have previously published reviews on “what are the children of the elite afraid of,” noting an interesting dynamic. In 2019, among the fears of golden youth were “a decrease in pocket money” and “possible criminal prosecution of parents.” In 2022, everything with prosperity remains at the same level (clothing, gadgets and even premium cars come to the Russian Federation through “crooked imports”). But there is a reluctance to “live in instability for decades” – and children demand from VIP parents to “create the usual level” in our Russian regions.

2024-01-09 14:13:00
#happened #Russian #elite #intends #buy #Crimea #Kuban #EADaily

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