“The Russian Defense Ministry has begun recruiting women to participate in the war in Ukraine in teams of snipers and drone operators”. The Ukrainian media Ukrianska Pravda writes this, specifying that “according to the Russian social network VKontakte, the private military company Redut controlled by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has announced the recruitment of women for combat specialties in the Borz volunteer battalion to be sent to war in Ukraine”. The Ukrainian media adds that “potential mercenaries are offered a six-month contract with a salary of 220,000 rubles. If the candidates do not have the skills to handle weapons, they are promised that they will be trained in temporarily occupied Donetsk”. nn
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nnThe newsletter on the most read news (click here)n Notifications on Facebook Messenger (click here)n Audio news with news headlines (click here)n”,”postId”:”8f71c1b8- 9d2f-46f8-a68c-cb641bdf8c01″}],”posts”:[“timestamp”:”2023-10-24T08:49:13.947Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-24T10:49:13+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Ucraina, bombardamenti su Kherson e Kharkiv, danni e 8 feriti”,”content”:”
Le forze armate russe hanno compiuto bombardamenti notturni sulle regioni ucraine di Kherson e Kharkiv: secondo quanto riferito dal governo di Kiev, i bombardamenti hanno provocato il ferimento di 8 persone, in particolare nel villaggio di Bilozerka, a est della città di Kherson. Qui sono stati colpite venti case, un’infrastruttura di distribuzione del gas e molte auto oltre ad edifici commerciali. Le bombe hanno anche colpito un villaggio della regione di Kharkiv, Borova. La difesa contraerea ha poi abbattuto sei droni di fabbricazione iraniana e provenienti dalla Crimea (annessa dalla Russia nel 2014). Sul versante opposto, il ministero della Difesa russo ha detto che nel Mar Nero sono stati “neutralizzati” tre droni navali ucraini”, probabilmente diretti sulla baia di Sebastopol.
“,”postId”:”3c23ef46-692b-47df-802f-329de60f06b7″,”timestamp”:”2023-10-24T07:00:00.280Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-24T09:00:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Media: “Russia recluta donne da mandare in guerra””,”content”:”
La Russia avrebbe iniziato a reclutare donne da mandare nella guerra in Ucraina. Lo rivela il portale Important Stories (istories), che si definisce una delle poche fonti di giornalismo investigativo independente in Russia, secondo cui verrebbero reclutate donne cecchino e operatrici dei droni per un’unità mercenaria sotto il comando del ministero della Difesa.
Nell’articolo intitolato “Create non solo per la cucina e i bambini” si sostiene che alle donne viene offerto un contratto di sei mesi con un salario mensile di 220mila rubli, circa 2.300 euro, con un bonus, nel caso di ferimento sul campo, tra uno e 3 milioni di rubli e in caso di morte, per gli eredi, di 5 milioni. La ‘pubblicità’ del reclutamento è apparsa sul social media russo Vkontakte. Uno dei reclutatori ha raccontato a istories che si cercano donne già addestrate all’uso delle armi, mentre quelle che non lo sono faranno un addestramento di un mese.
nn”,”postId”:”29c5a5ed-629c-41b3-a7fe-3a33f0755df3″,”timestamp”:”2023-10-24T06:45:00.299Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-24T08:45:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Mosca: colpiti 3 droni marini ucraini nel nord del Mar Nero “,”content”:”
Le forze russe hanno colpito questa mattina con missili e bombe tre droni marini ucraini nel Mar Nero: lo ha reso noto la flotta russa del Mar Nero, come riporta la Tass. “Intorno alle 4:00 del mattino (le 3:00 in Italia, ndr) del 24 ottobre, tre imbarcazioni a motore senza equipaggio della Marina ucraina sono state rilevate nella parte nord del Mar Nero – si legge in un comunicato -. Un attacco missilistico e con bombe è stato effettuato sulle imbarcazioni a motore senza equipaggio”.
“,”postId”:”e67da3c2-5888-41bb-a853-d34741d9260d”,”timestamp”:”2023-10-24T06:30:00.152Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-24T08:30:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Governatore, esplosioni nella città russa di Rostov sul Don”,”content”:”
Esplosioni sono state udite questa mattina nella città russa di Rostov sul Don, nel sud-est del Paese: lo hanno reso noto il governatore della regione di Rostov, Vasyl Golubev, e canali Telegram locali. Lo riporta Rbc-Ucraina.
“,”postId”:”69ec0470-f0f8-46e2-8a36-b25934030b7e”,”timestamp”:”2023-10-24T06:10:00.296Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-24T08:10:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Guerra in Ucraina, quali sono i trucchi della Russia per proteggersi dagli attacchi”,”content”:”
La controffensiva di Kiev preoccupa Mosca: come ha rilevato Sky News Uk i russi hanno iniziato a ricorrere a stratagemmi risalenti alla Prima guerra mondiale, come disegnare gli aerei sulle piste o dipingere le navi bicolore, per cercare di proteggere il più possibile i propri mezzi. Non è detto però che funzionino: l’Ucraina ha i mezzi per riuscire a capire i bluff. IL FOCUS
“,”postId”:”9b7d7b62-d784-4c50-9bc0-846cfc84bcdc”,”timestamp”:”2023-10-24T05:50:00.613Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-24T07:50:00+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Kiev: nella notte abbattuti sei droni russi “,”content”:”
Le forze di difesa ucraine hanno abbattuto la notte scorsa tutti i droni kamikaze lanciati dalla Russia sul Paese: lo ha reso noto su Facebook lo Stato maggiore delle Forze armate di Kiev precisando che sono stati distrutti sei velivoli senza pilota nemici. Lo riporta Rbc-Ucraina. “Nella notte gli occupanti russi hanno lanciato un altro attacco aereo contro l’Ucraina, utilizzando sei Uav (droni, ndr) d’attacco del tipo Shahed-136/131. Tutti gli Uav d’attacco sono stati distrutti dalla difesa antiaerea”, si legge nel messaggio.
“,”postId”:”0f8e3177-8d7a-482d-92a9-2e0cdc86c6a5″,”timestamp”:”2023-10-24T05:33:57.402Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-10-24T07:33:57+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Kiev: Mosca ha schierato oltre 400mila soldati in Ucraina”,”content”:”
“Ci sono forze sufficienti per operazioni separate in alcune aree del fronte. E il gruppo di russi nei territori temporaneamente occupati, come abbiamo già detto, è di oltre 400.000 militari russi. E, naturalmente, si tratta di un numero considerevole di personale”. Lo ha dichiarato il portavoce dell’intelligence della difesa ucraina Andriy Yusov, come riportato da Rbc Ucraina. Secondo lui, sul territorio ucraino c’è un gran numero di armi nemiche. Allo stesso tempo, nuove armi vengono smantellate e fornite al fronte. Yusov ha osservato che la mobilitazione in Russia continua, è durata tutta l’estate. “Non stiamo parlando di una ripetizione dello scenario che si è verificato il 22 febbraio. Ma in alcune aree, il nemico continuerà a cercare di condurre operazioni offensive separate”, ha riassunto Yusov.
“The Russian Defense Ministry has begun recruiting women to participate in the war in Ukraine in teams of snipers and drone operators.” The Ukrainian media Ukrianska Pravda writes this, specifying that “according to the Russian social network VKontakte, the private military company Redut controlled by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has announced the recruitment of women for combat specialties in the Borz volunteer battalion to be sent to war in Ukraine”. The Ukrainian media adds that “potential mercenaries are offered a six-month contract with a salary of 220,000 rubles. If the candidates do not have the skills to handle weapons, they are promised that they will be trained in temporarily occupied Donetsk.”
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less than a minute ago
Ukraina, bombardamenti su Kherson and Kharkiv, 8 injured
The Russian armed forces carried out night bombings on the Ukrainian regions of Kherson and Kharkiv: according to reports from the Kiev government, the bombings injured 8 people, in particular in the village of Bilozerka, east of the city of Kherson. Here, twenty houses, a gas distribution infrastructure and many cars as well as commercial buildings were affected. The bombs also hit a village in the Kharkiv region, Borova. The anti-aircraft defense then shot down six Iranian-made drones coming from Crimea (annexed by Russia in 2014). On the other hand, the Russian Defense Ministry said that three Ukrainian naval drones were “neutralized” in the Black Sea, probably headed for Sebastopol Bay.
Media: “Russia recruits women to send to war”
Russia reportedly began recruiting women to send to the war in Ukraine. This was revealed by the portal Important Stories (histories), which defines itself as one of the few sources of independent investigative journalism in Russia, according to which women snipers and drone operators would be recruited for a mercenary unit under the command of the Ministry of Defense.
In the article entitled “Created not only for the kitchen and children” it is claimed that the women are offered a six-month contract with a monthly salary of 220 thousand rubles, around 2,300 euros, with a bonus, in the case of injury in the field, between one and 3 million rubles and in the event of death, for the heirs, 5 million. The recruitment ‘advertisement’ appeared on the Russian social media site Vkontakte. One of the recruiters told istories that they are looking for women who are already trained in the use of weapons, while those who are not will undergo a month’s training.
Moscow: 3 Ukrainian marine drones hit in the north of the Black Sea
Russian forces hit three Ukrainian marine drones in the Black Sea this morning with missiles and bombs: this was announced by the Russian Black Sea fleet, as reported by Tass. “At around 4:00 in the morning (3:00 in Italy, ed.) on October 24, three unmanned motor boats of the Ukrainian Navy were detected in the northern part of the Black Sea – we read in a statement -. An attack missile and bomb attacks were carried out on unmanned motor boats”.
Governor, explosions in the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don
Explosions were heard this morning in the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, in the south-east of the country: this was announced by the governor of the Rostov region, Vasyl Golubev, and local Telegram channels. Rbc-Ukraine reports it.
War in Ukraine, what are Russia’s tricks to protect itself from attacks
Kiev’s counteroffensive worries Moscow: as Sky News UK has revealed, the Russians have begun to resort to stratagems dating back to the First World War, such as drawing planes on runways or painting ships two-tone, to try to protect their assets as much as possible. However, it is not certain that they work: Ukraine has the means to be able to understand the bluffs. THE FOCUS
Kiev: six Russian drones shot down during the night
Last night, the Ukrainian defense forces shot down all the kamikaze drones launched by Russia over the country: the General Staff of the Kiev Armed Forces announced this on Facebook, specifying that six enemy unmanned aircraft were destroyed. Rbc-Ukraine reports it. “Last night the Russian occupiers launched another air attack against Ukraine, using six attack UAVs of the Shahed-136/131 type. All attack UAVs were destroyed by the anti-aircraft defense”, we read in the message.
Kiev: Moscow has deployed over 400 thousand soldiers in Ukraine
“There are sufficient forces for separate operations in some areas of the front. And the group of Russians in the temporarily occupied territories, as we have already said, is more than 400,000 Russian military personnel. And, of course, this is a considerable number of personnel.” This was stated by Ukrainian defense intelligence spokesman Andriy Yusov, as reported by RBC Ukraine. According to him, on the territory of Ukraine there is a large number of enemy weapons. At the same time, new weapons are dismantled and supplied to the front. Yusov noted that the mobilization in Russia continues, it lasted all summer. “We are not talking about a repetition of the scenario that occurred on February 22. But in some areas, the enemy will continue to try to conduct separate offensive operations,” Yusov summarized.
2023-10-24 08:24:45
#Kiev #Russians #recruiting #women #war