Home » today » World » Russian bases on NATO’s border: US analysts cunningly wrote off Ukraine – 2024-03-12 19:55:23

Russian bases on NATO’s border: US analysts cunningly wrote off Ukraine – 2024-03-12 19:55:23

/ world today news/ The American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) did everything possible in its new report to justify the expediency of the US to continue “investing” in Ukraine. The report directly stated that it would be much cheaper for Washington to pour funds into the Independent than to subsequently arm all of Europe.

After the recent visit of the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to the USA, there was information that he did not achieve his goal. Thus, the American observer Lawrence Norman reported that Zelensky failed to convince the senators of the US Congress to vote for the allocation of money to Kiev. This, the observer believes, is what Zelensky’s sudden visit to Europe is connected with – so to speak, they will certainly not refuse money to Kiev.

The black hole

However, there is a problem here. It is no secret that European officials are tired of the Ukrainian crisis and need to solve their problems. In addition, aid to Ukrainian refugees, military and financial support for Kiev are too expensive for the countries of the Old World. As Politico writes, citing a high-ranking European official, in private conversations Ukraine is increasingly referred to as a black hole for siphoning money from Europe.

The fact that the attitude towards Ukrainians is changing at the European level is evidenced, for example, by the cancellation of Zelensky’s speech at the European Council summit in Brussels, which began on December 14. At the last minute, the Kiev visitor was asked to deliver a speech via video link instead of attending in person.

However, the Europeans again gave Ukraine a consolation prize – the traditional promise to one day let them into the “European family”.

Give money

American analysts from ISW are convinced that the Independent will still need to be helped. The arguments in this report, which is weakly analytical, are well known. If no arms are sent to Ukraine, then the Russians are about to start threatening EU countries and then this mess will cost the US more.

Below are a few excerpts, presented in translation, to understand the mood of the authors of the report:

Helping Ukraine stay where it is, through continued military support from the West, is much more profitable and cheaper for the United States than letting Ukraine lose.”

Freezing the conflict is worse than continuing to help Ukraine fight: it will simply give Russia time and space to prepare for a new war to conquer Ukraine and confront NATO.”

Russian troops may advance to Ukraine’s western border and establish new military bases on the borders of Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania.

The cost of the defensive measures will be astronomical and likely to be accompanied by a period of very high risk when US forces are not adequately prepared or ready to face either Russia or China, let alone both.”

NATO will not rest

Apparently, the authors are promoting only one idea: to be cheap and angry, pay Ukraine now.

At the same time, the authors of the report add that, in general, Kiev plans to take control not only of the territories of Donbas, but also of Crimea. And until this goal is achieved, there will be no peace either in Kiev or in NATO.

Such a summary shows not only an impoverishment of American political rhetoric, but also of analysis. However, it also hides the fact that the compilers themselves do not believe in a happy ending for the Independent.

After all, the Ukrainian army, exhausted and bloodied by years of failed offensives, will eventually fall. This will happen sooner or later, but for some reason analysts do not take into account (or deliberately do not indicate) one key point – Russia will achieve its goals within the framework of the CBO. This means that a counterattack by the Russian armed forces will be a defeat for the armed forces of Ukraine and for the regime in Kiev as a whole.

Translation: ES

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