The think tank believes the drone attack against the Kremlin is intended as “internal medicine” in Russia. Former President Medvedev demands that President Zelenskyj be “eliminated”.
The American think tank The Institute for the Study of War writes in his latest analysis that the alleged Ukrainian drone attack against the Kremlin was probably staged by the Russian authorities.
The reasons they give are several. One is the fact that the air defense around Moscow has been significantly tightened recently, and that it would be highly unlikely that two Ukrainian drones would be able to penetrate this in the middle of Moscow with cameras ready to capture it.
Another important aspect ISW points to is Russia’s apparently blunt and coherent response and accusations against Ukraine of terrorist attacks. If Russia had been taken to bed, such a reaction would not have been seen.
Why would one then stage an attack on one’s own bastion of power?

also read
Experts on the alleged assassination attempt: – Full of logical flaws
Russia accuses Ukraine of carrying out a drone attack on the Kremlin in Moscow. The experts are scratching their heads.
ISW believes that Russia, just ahead of the big victory day on 9 May, deserves to present an “existential threat” against Russia to the domestic audience.
This may be to have a reason to tone down the celebration of the day or to get arguments for further mobilization of the population to the battlefield. Or mobilization and gathering nationally in the wider sense against the enemy Ukraine.
ISW’s analysis fits well with the narrative the state-controlled Russian media continues with after the attack. Night to Thursday, Tass quotes DumaDumaRepresentative assemblies in Russia. The State Duma is from 1993 the second chamber of the Russian National Assembly. Source: Snl.norepresentative Vladimir Vasilyev that “an attack on the Russian president is an attack on all Russians”.
The reactions from Russian leaders have been many and strong. Former President Dmitry Medvedev has been one of those who use the strongest oral gunpowder since Russia started the war.
The demand from Medvedev after what he says is Kyiv’s drone attack on the Kremlin is simply that President Zelenskyj must be “physically eliminated”. He is quoted on that at Tass.
– There are no other options than the physical elimination of Zelenskyj and his inner circle.
According to Medvedev, Zelenskyj is not even needed to sign an unconditional surrender.
– Very embarrassing for Putin
The Telegraphs foreign editor Dominic Nichholls points out that regardless of whether the attack is staged or not, the images of an explosion over the Kremlin are very embarrassing for President Putin. It is because the pictures will cast serious doubt on how good the air defense of Moscow really is.
He writes that if Putin had wanted to, he would have had several less embarrassing opportunities to do so, such as a car bomb outside the Kremlin.
– If this is a “false flag” attack, then Putin is playing with fire, writes Nicholls.
2023-05-04 00:02:27
#ISW #Kremlin #attack #staged