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Russian Attacks on Kharkov and Zmiev Result in Casualties: Mayor Confirms Damage and Injuries

On the morning of January 8, Russian troops carried out at least 4 strikes on Kharkov, and in the city of Zmiev they hit a private house, there were casualties in both cities.

Source: head of the Kharkov OVA Oleg Sinegubov and mayor of Kharkov Igor Terekhovand “Public

Terekhov’s direct speech: “This morning the enemy attacked the city’s industrial facilities. There is a fire and at the moment there is one woman injured. Our rescuers are already putting out the fire, and doctors are working with the wounded.”

Details: Sinegubov reported that the invaders launched at least 4 missile attacks on Kharkov. The type of weapon is being determined. Information is being updated.

Later the head of the regional administration reportedthat an enterprise and educational institution were damaged in Kharkov. A 53-year-old woman was injured, her condition was mild – the victim was hospitalized.

In the town of Zmiev, Chuguevsky district, a hit was recorded in a private house. Doctors are providing assistance to two victims; according to preliminary data, two more people are under the rubble.

Update: As of 08:41, 90- and 60-year-old men were pulled out from under the rubble in Zmiev. Another woman remains under the rubble.

The mayor of Zmiev, Pavel Golodnikov, told Suspilny that three more houses were damaged – windows were broken in one house, and the roof was removed in another two-story house.

“The last hit in the city was on September 6 last year in the hospital area,” Golodnikov said.

2024-01-08 06:05:48

#Kharkov #Russians #hit #industrial #facilities #Zmiev #hit #private #house #casualties

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