Home » today » News » Russian Artists Evguénia Berkovitch and Svetlana Petriïtchouk Imprisoned for Terrorism Apology in Shocking Crackdown

Russian Artists Evguénia Berkovitch and Svetlana Petriïtchouk Imprisoned for Terrorism Apology in Shocking Crackdown

8:12 a.m .: Two Russian artists deemed imprisoned for “apology” for terrorism

A Russian court on Friday placed in pre-trial detention Evguénia Berkovitch and Svetlana Petriïtchouk, two artists accused of advocating terrorism for one of their plays, in the midst of a crackdown on dissident voices in Russia since the military offensive in Ukraine. Evguénia Berkovitch, 38, and Svetlana Petriïtchouk, 43, who risk up to seven years in prison, have been detained until July 4, said the Zamoskvoretski court in Moscow, quoted by Russian news agencies.

The day before, they had been arrested and interrogated in Moscow by investigators. The two women are suspected of apologizing for terrorism for a play written by Svetlana Petriïtchouk and directed by Evguénia Berkovitch in 2020. The prosecutions against them caused a shock in the world of theater in Russia.

The piece in question, “Finist is a valiant falcon”, played entirely by women, told the story of Russians recruited on the internet by Islamists in Syria and leaving to join them to marry them. Hailed by critics, she received two “Golden Masks” in 2022, the main theater award in Russia.

2023-05-06 06:54:57

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