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Russian arrested who distributed sex video candidate mayor Paris

The arrested artist is Pjotr ​​Pavlenski. He has known to be responsible for the distribution of the images.

“Despicable attacks”

Judicial sources, quoted by French media, said that the arrest of Pavlenski was not related to the video. He was wanted for an alleged fight in Paris on December 31.

After publication of the images, the candidate, Benjamin Griveaux, immediately withdrew from the race for mayor yesterday. Griveaux, former spokesperson for President Macron, condemned the “vile attacks.”

Shocking artworks

Pavlenski is known for its shocking artworks. He nailed his scrotum to Red Square and sewed his mouth shut.

He plans to put more politicians in trouble, reports the French channel LCI. “Politicians must be honest,” says Pavlenski. My goal is to expose the hypocrisy of those in charge. “

About his target, Benjamin Griveaux, he says: “He always talks about family values, while doing the opposite.”

It is not clear how the artist got hold of the images. Griveaux is said to have shared intimate messages with a young woman and also sent her the video.

Setback for Macron

The images were quickly spread through social media. The commotion around Griveaux is a major setback for President Macron and his party, LREM. Griveaux did not do badly in the polls for the elections, which are being held on 15 and 22 March.

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