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Russian Army’s Tactics and Operations near Avdiivka: Latest Analysis by Americk Institut pro studium vlky (ISW)

Russian Army Attempts to Limit Information on Offensive in Avdiivka

The American Institute for the⁣ Study of War ‍(ISW) has warned in its ‌latest​ analysis that the ⁤Russian ⁤army leadership is apparently trying to limit the discussion in the information space about ⁤the ⁢Russian offensive⁤ in Avdiivka. Some ⁤Russian bloggers have‍ pointed out this‍ effort by the Russian army leadership, stating that they have been instructed ⁢not to focus‍ on the​ details of the operations in Avdiivka. According to the ISW, this is likely because the Russian army wants to have control ⁣over information‌ about its activities in the area.

According⁢ to confirmed reports ‌published on Thursday and Friday, ‍Russian forces have advanced south of the village of Krasnohorivka, located about five kilometers north of Avdiivka, according to American analysts. However, the ISW states that there is no evidence to suggest that ‍Russian forces have control over the coke plant in ⁣Avdiivka, as claimed ‍by ⁢some Russian‍ sources.

White House ‍spokesperson John Kirby expressed confidence on Friday that the Ukrainians⁢ have repelled the Russian attacks in Avdiivka. It appears that the Russian army is using a tactic​ of human waves, sending poorly trained soldiers ⁤directly into battle without proper equipment, ‍Kirby commented on the Russian campaign in Avdiivka, according to Politico.

On Saturday, the​ Russian side reported further ​drone attacks on ⁤its territory. The Russian Ministry of ‍Defense, ⁣according‍ to BBC News, announced that Russian air defense destroyed drones over the Black Sea that ‍were attempting to⁢ target objects in the Krasnodar region in ‍southern Russia.

The mayor of Sochi, a‍ nearby city in the area, then wrote on the social media platform Telegram that Russian air⁣ defense ‌had shot⁤ down two drones near his city on Saturday morning. ⁤He also assured that there is no danger to the residents of‍ Sochi or tourists. “The resort is completely ​calm,” he⁢ wrote.

The situation in Avdiivka remains⁣ tense, with ‌conflicting reports ⁣and attempts by the Russian army to‌ control the flow of information. The Ukrainian forces continue to defend the city against the Russian offensive, while international observers closely monitor the developments ⁢in the region.

How is the‍ Russian ​army attempting to control the narrative and restrict ⁢information on the offensive⁣ in Avdiivka?

Think it⁢ is an attempt to control the narrative and prevent the truth about the offensive from reaching the wider ​public.

The‍ ISW ⁤analysis highlights that the Russian ⁣army is employing various tactics ‌to limit information flow on the offensive in ​Avdiivka. This includes restricting ⁣access to information for soldiers on the ​ground, controlling media coverage, and attempting ⁣to⁣ discredit any reports that counter the Russian narrative.

Russian bloggers have also noticed the efforts by the army leadership to limit discussion on‌ the offensive. They speculate that the motive behind‌ this move is⁤ to ⁤maintain control of⁤ the ‌information​ space and prevent the ‌dissemination of any unfavorable details⁢ about⁣ the offensive.

The​ Avdiivka offensive, which began in February 2022, has‌ been marked by intense fighting⁤ and heavy casualties. ⁢The Russian army’s attempts to limit information on the ⁤offensive raise concerns about transparency and accountability. By controlling the ​information flow, the Russian army can potentially shape the narrative to downplay the severity of the situation or even​ deny⁤ any involvement altogether.

This deliberate limitation on information is not new for​ the Russian army. It has consistently used such​ tactics in various conflicts to manipulate public perception and maintain a favorable image. By controlling ⁣what information⁤ is released and how ⁢it ⁢is portrayed, the army leadership can control the narrative and shape public ⁢opinion, both domestically​ and internationally.

The ISW analysis serves as a warning that efforts to limit information on ‍the Avdiivka ⁣offensive should be closely monitored and challenged.⁢ It ⁣is vital for accurate⁢ reporting and transparency ⁣to prevail to create an informed understanding of the situation on the ground. The international community should remain vigilant in countering attempts to control the⁤ information space and ensure that the truth about the offensive in Avdiivka is fully exposed.

1 thought on “Russian Army’s Tactics and Operations near Avdiivka: Latest Analysis by Americk Institut pro studium vlky (ISW)”

  1. Great analysis! It’s important to stay informed about the tactics and operations of the Russian army.

    Thank you for sharing this valuable analysis. It’s crucial to understand the tactics employed by the Russian army near Avdiivka to stay one step ahead.

    Another insightful analysis by Americk Institut pro studium vlky (ISW). Understanding the Russian army’s tactics and operations is essential in shaping a strategic response.

    This analysis sheds light on the ongoing operations near Avdiivka. It’s crucial to stay informed about the Russian army’s tactics to ensure preparedness and readiness.

    Thank you for continuously providing in-depth analysis. Understanding the Russian army’s tactics near Avdiivka helps us to anticipate their moves and strengthen our defenses.


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