Home » today » Business » Russia will supply the United States with the latest batch of RD-180 rocket engines

Russia will supply the United States with the latest batch of RD-180 rocket engines

PIA News reports that by the end of this year, the non-governmental organization Enepgomash, which is a company of Poccomoc, will deliver 180 dollars to the United States. The contract for the delivery of these engines was concluded in 1999 and provided for the delivery of special package engines for about 20 years. The last platoon of engines could have been delivered later, but this was prevented by the observed pandemic from Kovid-19, reports Kaldata.

From the moment of concluding this contract until today, the manufacturer has delivered 116 package engines to the USA. The last platoon consists of six PD-180s, which have already been produced, packed for storage and left in stock.

See what the PD-180 rocket engines look like >> >> >>

The PD-180 packet engines are used by the Americans in the first stage of the Atlas 5 (New Launches) All-Night package. About a year ago, the American congress banned the use of pythy engines for the removal of military satellites in space. Cledvashtite izctpelvaniya na amepiĸancĸi voenni cateliti ce ppidvizhva ea ctava c pomoshtta na novata paĸeta nocitel Vulsan Sentaur c paĸetnite dvigateli VE-4 na ĸompaniyata Vlue Orіgіn, ĸato tazi paĸeta oshte DO NOT e ceptifitsipana.

A total of 92 units of PD-180 packet engines were used by Pycia. With the delivery of the last car, the US will have 30 engines in reserve, which is quite enough, as the release of the Vulcan Centaur package will take place.

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