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Russia will not allow anyone to denigrate its heroes – Putin

Russia will not allow anyone to slander and slander the heroes who fulfill their patriotic duty and fight for their homeland, and solid knowledge, truth and love for the country will serve as the main weapon against disinformation, the president of the Federation said Russian Vladimir Putin.

“We will not allow anyone to slander and slander them, and our main weapon against disinformation and lies will continue to be solid knowledge, truth and love for Russia,” – he said in a video message on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Russian company “Knowledge”.

The Russian leader added that he counted on the Znanie company’s contribution to the national and sovereign development of Russia and all its regions in all areas.

“Including, of course, the defense of the truth about our ancestors, about the trials of the past, about our heroes, about all who are now fighting for the Motherland, performing a high and sacred patriotic duty,” Putin noted.

He congratulated all members of the Knowledge Society on its 75th anniversary and wished them success in their work.

“I ask you not to slow down the momentum, to continue and increase the work begun throughout the country, including in the new regions of Russia, where representative offices of the Knowledge Society have already been opened: in the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, in the regions of Zaporozhye and Kherson”, – the president said a parting word.

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