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Russia: Vlogger Reeflay locks girlfriend out in freezing temperatures – dead! – News abroad

Hopefully an ice-cold jail will be found for this disgusting psychopath …

According to media reports, a Russian video blogger locked his girlfriend out on the balcony in freezing temperatures in underwear. While he sat in the warm living room and broadcast a live stream, the woman lay outside in the freezing cold. The 28-year-old is said to have frozen to death there.

The video blogger Reeflay – real name Stanislaw Reshetnikow – is said to have locked his girlfriend Valentina out on the balcony in underwear. When he opened the balcony door again, it was frozen to death

The gamer named Reeflay, who reportedly earns his money on YouTube with gaming videos, did not turn off the stream at the moments when he apparently recognized the seriousness of the situation.

Youtube has since announced that the original Reeflay stream was NOT on Youtube. The bad scenes were also uploaded there later, but the company quickly deleted the clip and blocked the account responsible.

In a shocking excerpt from the live stream, Reeflay opens the door and leans over Valentina’s lifeless body.

Then he carries her to a sofa, puts her there and speaks to her: “Valya, Valya … damn it, you look like you are dead. Come on, say something. I’m worried. Damn it, I can’t feel a heartbeat. “

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src="https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/reschetnikow-ist-offenbar-schon-haeufiger-durch-gewaltexzesse-gegen-seine-freundin-auffaellig-geworden-201595800-74344228/4,w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="Reschetnikow ist offenbar schon häufiger durch Gewaltexzesse gegen seine Freundin auffällig geworden. Zuschauer sollen ihm dafür Geld überwiesen haben" data-zoom-title="Reschetnikow ist offenbar schon häufiger durch Gewaltexzesse gegen seine Freundin auffällig geworden. Zuschauer sollen ihm dafür Geld überwiesen haben

Photo: YouTube / Reeflay-“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/reschetnikow-ist-offenbar-schon-haeufiger-durch-gewaltexzesse-gegen-seine-freundin-auffaellig-geworden-201595800-74344228/Bild/ 4.bild.jpg “/>

Reshetnikov has evidently become conspicuous more often through excesses of violence against his girlfriend. Spectators are said to have transferred money to him for itPhoto: YouTube / Reeflay

The camera continues. In between he sits down in front of his computer again, cries and lets his audience know: “People, no pulse. It is white as chalk. She’s not breathing. Shit, I think she’s dead. “

Only after what felt like an eternity does Stanislaw Reshetnikov – that’s Reeflay’s real name – come up with the idea of ​​alerting an ambulance service. But even the paramedics can only determine the death of the young woman.

After his arrest and interrogation by the Russian police, more and more gruesome details are emerging. As the “Sun” reports, the video blogger is said to have received 1,000 dollars (around 820 euros) from a viewer to show the mistreatment of his girlfriend in the live stream. Local media, however, citing neighbors, reported that there had been an argument, whereupon Reshetnikov stepped his girlfriend on the balcony.

Even before that, he is said to have repeatedly been violent towards the woman – for example, he sprayed her face in another stream and beat her with the other hand.

According to media reports, Reshetnikov is now threatened with two years in jail – if the autopsy should reveal that the woman has died of hypothermia. The Russian committee of inquiry said: “It is investigating whether there were illegal acts against the deceased on the part of the man in whose house the body was found.”

According to the investigative committee, initial examinations of the body also revealed signs of violence. A head injury, a subdural hematoma, caused by at least three blows in the face, and several bruises were found.

Investigators initially did not confirm reports that were originally distributed in the media, according to which the victim was said to have been pregnant.

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