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Russia-US relations cannot be normal while Biden is in power


Russia-US relations cannot be normal while Joe Biden is in power. Photos/Illustrations

FLY Russia and United States of America (US) was unable to maintain normal line of conversation due to confrontational line taken by President Joe Biden . This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

“Having normal conversations with the Biden administration, which lists strategic defeat for our country as one of its goals, is objectively impossible,” Lavrov said.

“Washington’s anti-Russian confrontational path continues to take on a more acute and all-encompassing character,” it was quoted as saying by Russian news agencies, TAXWednesday (28/12/2022).

The senior Russian diplomat noted that Russia-US relations are in a very sad state as they have almost come to a halt because of Washington.

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“We have consistently made it clear to Americans that it is not our style to deliberately degrade intergovernmental relations,” Lavrov said.

“However, we proceed from reciprocity under any circumstances when it comes to building a dialogue. In other words, as a rule we act on an eye for an eye principle, but not necessarily symmetrical,” explains Lavrov.

Even so, Lavrov acknowledged that normalizing US-Russian relations would benefit everyone. He recalls the unique responsibility for the fate of humanity Russia and the United States as two nuclear superpowers.

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“Given the special responsibility for the fate of humanity Russia and the United States as two nuclear superpowers, I start from the fact that normal relations between our countries will benefit everyone,” said the top Russian diplomat.

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