Home » today » World » Russia – Ukraine War | Truce or trap? Vladimir Putin announces ceasefire, but generates distrust | Volodymyr Zelensky | Cyril | Christmas | Orthodox Church | WORLD

Russia – Ukraine War | Truce or trap? Vladimir Putin announces ceasefire, but generates distrust | Volodymyr Zelensky | Cyril | Christmas | Orthodox Church | WORLD

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This is the first ceasefire since Putin ordered the invasion on February 24, 2022, although the reality on the ground has not proved it.

Of course there was cheating. Second the Kremlin He argued that the truce would begin at 12:00, without “specify which time zone you were referring to”. In this logic, this Friday morning, in the “Christmas Eve for Russians and many Ukrainians”, “Russian shells hit Kramatorsk, a Ukrainian city near the front line in the Donetsk industrial region that Russia claims as its territory”.

Ukraine rejected the proposal.

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I’m President Volodymyr Zelenskydeclared: “Now they want to use the Christmas as a cover, even a short one, to stop the advances of our boys in the donbass and bring equipment, munitions and mobilized troops closer to our positions”.

Even the US President Joe Biden, the decision of Fly as a way offind some oxygen“in the middle of a war they are losing. The State Department spokesman Ned Priceagreed and argued that the ceasefire is a plan to “rest, recover, regroup and finally strike again”.

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Trenches in Belgium and France tried to halt the German advance, resulting in dead and wounded on both sides. So until Christmas Eve arrives. National Geographic he recalls that “at various points on the Western Front the Germans placed lighted trees on the parapets of the trenches and the Allies joined them in a spontaneous ceasefire”. This is how the Christmas truce was instituted.

What followed was that “enemies hitherto delighted one another in singing Christmas carols which would replace the whistling of bullets.” There were also those who left their positions to smoke with those of the opposite side. There was an exchange of gifts and food and a football match. “Each party helped each other dig graves and celebrate ceremonies in memory of the fallen, even in one of them a Scottish chaplain gave a bilingual reading of a psalm”, recalls the portal.



The peasant self-defense forces of Córdoba and Urabá announced a truce that would last from 20 December to 6 January. The paramilitary group kept their promise, but what followed was terrible. On the same day as the end of the ceasefire, second witnesses, the terrorists entered the community of Santa Isabel, Curumaní, and took several people from their homes. On 7 January “the corpses of nine peasants” were found.



The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) unilaterally announced a ceasefire for two months, from November 20 to January 20, although they failed to comply. On November 21, the Army denounced that the guerrillas attacked his troops without leaving casualties and activated “a minefield”. By December 12, according to the human rights information sharing portal, SollievoWebthe Christmas truce resulted in “three dead and 13 wounded”.



The FARC has announced a Christmas truce from December 15 to January 14 and, according to “The viewer“, they were about to comply. According to the Peace and Reconciliation Foundation, they carried out “20 armed actions against uniformed officers and civilians”, although “only four of them” were “violations of the truce”. Does that mean?, he explains that it was ” three attacks perpetrated in the Antioquian municipalities of Anorí, San Andrés de Cuerquía and Briceño, as well as the demolition of an electrical tower in Convención”.


ELN and Colombia

Colombian guerrilla National Liberation Army advertisement the unilateral ceasefire between 6:00 on 24 December and 6:00 on 2 January. Of course, they also argued that they would defend themselves if attacked.

Before that, however, they had already declared truces, though not necessarily at Christmas. For example, as Deutsche Welle recalls, the last one lasted 102 days and took place between 1 October 2017 and January 2018.

Of course, these ceasefires usually take place during peace negotiations.

We must not lose sight Cyril is very close to Put in. In fact she called him “a miracle of Godand, as he explains es”one of the pillars of the consolidated systemfrom the president. That is why, at the beginning of the war, he described the Ukrainians who opposed the Russian invasion as “forces of evil”.

It is worth mentioning, what “on New Year’s Eve Russia bombed Ukrainian cities and on Easter it ordered its soldiers to fight on”.

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In the face of so much mistrust, the Kremlin reacted. Former Russian president and current deputy head of the Russian Security Council, Dimitry Medvedev, he has declared: “The hand of Christian mercy to the Ukrainians. But pigs have no faith and no innate sense of gratitude.”.

The head of Russia’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations Dmitri Polianski, that the Ukrainian refusal reminded that Moscow is fighting against “ruthless nationalist criminals who […] they have no respect for sacred things”.

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