Home » today » World » Russia-Ukraine war, Sberbank Europe “in bankruptcy”. Moscow Stock Exchange closed, foreigners’ sale of securities stopped. Ruble at an all-time low, gas and grain prices soar

Russia-Ukraine war, Sberbank Europe “in bankruptcy”. Moscow Stock Exchange closed, foreigners’ sale of securities stopped. Ruble at an all-time low, gas and grain prices soar

After the weekend he saw Vladimir Putin order the alert of the nuclear deterrence system, despite the start of the Moscow-Kyiv negotiationsescalation of the conflict in Ukraine and the new ones sanctions imposed by the West on Russia the markets return to earthquake. The ruble fell by 30% to its record low (106 rubles to one dollar) while the Moscow Stock Exchange will remain closed for the entire session. There Russian central bank he had already given indications to broker Of not fulfill, starting today, orders to sell securities by foreigners. And on Monday morning she turned up reference rate from 8.5 to 20%as reported Bloombergfollowing the “change in external conditions” that made it “necessary for make deposits more attractive“, Ensure financial and price stability and” protect citizens’ savings “.

This is after the night there ECB has made it known that the European arm of the Russian bank Sberbank and its divisions in Croatia and Slovenia are “in failure or in probable bankruptcy “due to the deterioration of their liquidity situation and Sberbank Europe” in the near future will probably not be able to pay off his debts in time “due to the significant” exit of deposits following the impact of geopolitical tensions ”and sanctions. Sberbank in recent days has already been cut off from the US financial system.

The European stock exchanges – The domino effect is also felt on the European markets, starting with the larger ones exposed towards Moscow as the Business Square. The squares of the Old Continent have all opened in red and Italian Stock Exchangewhich suspended from trading all financial instruments traded on EuroMot and EuroTlx settled in rubles, yields more than 3% with Unicredit e Understanding again to peak. To gain ground are only the stocks linked to the sector of defence: Leonardo (formerly Finmeccanica) marks + 13%. On the Piazza in London there is the race to sell Sberbank securities (-63%), Rosneft Oil (-42%), Lukoil (-55%), Gazprom Neft (-25%) and PhosAgro (-65%). Bp slips after the announcement of the sale of its 19.73% stake in Rosneft. According to analysts from several investment houses, it will be very difficult for the group to find a buyer. The sale, BP said, will involve costs of up to 25 billion dollars (22.4 billion euros). Strong drops also for the auto sector European. The index Stoxx Europe 600 Automobiles &Parts on Monday morning it marked -5% with more marked drops for the most exposed stocks on Russia, including Renault which in Paris loses 9%.

New leap in gas and raw materials – The new sanctions, combined with the fears of one energy crisis, obviously weigh on gas prices in Europe. To Amsterdam the price goes up by 20% to 112 euros per MWh, after reaching 127. A London there was an increase of 25.32% to 281.48 pence per Mmbtu. New leap on world markets also in the prices of raw materials foodwith the quotations on the international markets of grain that have climbed the8,7%. They also advance the most (+ 5%) and the soy (+3,9%).

The sanctions – Western countries already have frozen about 50% of reserves of the Russian central bank, those in dollars and euros held in G7 countries. The president of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen he then announced it stop transactions with the Russian central bank and theexclusion of major Russian banks from the Swift system. The list is expected by Monday. The measures also include, among other things, a new list of people affected by sanctions: “We prosecute the oligarchs“, Said the High Representative of the EU Josep Borrell. “Let’s hunt down the riches that profit from the regime in Putin ”.

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