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Russia-Ukraine Step aside, 2 RI Neighbors Threatened by War

Jakarta CNBC Indonesiaa – China and Taiwan, Indonesia’s neighbors in the Asian region, are heating up again. Last weekend, the Chinese military sent frigates, bombers, and warplanes to the East China Sea and the area around Taiwan.

This happened when a delegation from the United States (US) Congress visited Taipei on Friday (16/4/2022). For China, Taiwan is its province while the island considers itself an independent nation.

“This operation is in response to the US’ release of a false signal on the Taiwan issue,” Shi Yilu, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Eastern Theater Command, said.

“The US’s bad actions and tricks are completely futile and very dangerous. Those who play with fire will burn themselves.”

China and Taiwan have been “separated” since 1949. The US itself has never officially recognized Taiwan’s independence, but Uncle Sam has been a supporter of Taipei for years, including investments and arms sales.

Russia’s attack on Ukraine has also sparked fears of Chinese aggression against Taipei. Therefore the area is now on high alert.

Meanwhile, Taiwan has also carried out a number of new military exercises since last week. A total of 15,000 reservists were also deployed for intensive firing drills.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine proves that democracy must strengthen alliances and collectively we can defend ourselves from the threat posed by authoritarian countries seeking to disrupt regional peace,” Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen said on the sidelines of a meeting with the US Congress. .

“We will make China pay a heavy price for what they are doing around the world,” US senator Lindsey Graham told President Tsai.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

(boss / boss)

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