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Russia-Ukraine Peace Agreement, 2022. Victoria Nuland admits that the US blew it up : STILUM CURIAE

September 12, 2024

Published by Marco Tosatti

Marco Tosatti

Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, we offer to your attention This post, published on Instagram by Giuseppe Salamonewhom we thank for the courtesy, and who confirms what has already emerged in the past, namely that Boris Johnson’s trip to Istanbul caused the breakdown of an agreement already written and signed by Russia and Ukraine; an agreement that would have prevented thousands of deaths and the devastation of a country. But also less profits for arms manufacturers. Happy reading and sharing.


Now that even the criminal Victoria Nuland, then US Undersecretary of State who blew up the Istanbul Accords, has said it, how do we deal with it?

We are talking about the largest diplomatic action between Russia and Ukraine since February 2022. In Istanbul, the Russian and Ukrainian delegations had managed to draw up a document during their meetings, which provided for Ukraine’s neutrality and the end of the war after the withdrawal of Russian troops from kyiv. History tells us that the Russian army left kyiv and Kharkiv after these meetings, while Ukraine did not take any steps in the direction of the agreed neutrality.

The agreement consisted of 18 points, a very detailed and concrete peace plan, which also contained annexes that included details of military equipment and armed forces personnel. It is clear that we are faced with a high-level diplomatic operation that could have really marked the end of this massacre and the beginning of a constructive peaceful dialogue.

Now Victoria Nuland also admits that a peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia had been reached in the spring of 2022. She also says that it was ruined because the governments of the United States, the United Kingdom and other Western countries told Zelensky that it was not a good agreement because it placed limits on Ukraine and not on Russia. Translated: confirmation that broke the bank!

The document signed in Istanbul was made public a few months ago by Putin during a meeting with South African leaders and was never denied. In fact, it was confirmed by senior Ukrainian officials such as Arachamija, who is very close to Zelensky, and Oleg Tsarev, former speaker of the Ukrainian parliament. The latter even said publicly that Bucha was orchestrated by the British services with the aim of creating indignation to justify the non-acceptance of this agreement and, consequently, the prolongation of the war.

To recap: this criminal has admitted that the United States boycotted already signed PEACE AGREEMENTS. Is this clear? Especially to the politicians, homegrown pen pushers and servile and miserable “analysts”?

Originally published in Italian by Marco Tosatti on September 10, 2024, at

Translation into Spanish by: Jose Arturo Quarracino


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