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Russia took hostage the OSCE mission in Donbass to exchange Kosyak for the captured Ukrainian Armed Forces – Butusov

Ukrainian journalist Yuri Butusov said that Russia took the OSCE mission in Donbas hostage. Thus, the aggressor country wants to exchange them for the captured Russian officer Andrei Kosyak.

He wrote about this in Facebook… According to Butusov, the Russian special services seized the staff of the OSCE special monitoring mission and forbade them to leave their place of residence.

The journalist added that the Russian side is demanding the release of Kosyak, who allegedly had the documents of the Joint Control and Coordination Center with him, and therefore the OSCE is obliged to answer for him. But Butusov recalled that Russia itself actually destroyed the powers of the JCCC in December 2017, when Russia announced its withdrawal from the JCCC.

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Post Butusova

Post Butusova

Let us remind you that in Donbass On October 13, a militant of the Russian armed formations Andrei Kosyak was detained, who is suspected of premeditated murder in Ukraine. They found a Russian passport with him, and later on his phone – video of shelling of positions of the Ukrainian military.

Also, the OSCE representatives were forced to stop working due to mass protests in connection with the detention of Kosyak.

The moment of detention of a Russian who fought on the side of the “LPR” terrorist group, got on video.

Luhansk Regional Prosecutor’s Office reportedthat the court arrested Kosyak, because of whom the invaders blocked the OSCE representatives in the Donetsk region.

“The Severodonetsk city court of the Luhansk region applied a preventive measure to the suspect in the form of detention,” the message says.

The prosecutor’s office added that Kosyak is suspected of the activities of illegal armed groups (part 2 of article 260 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The punishment under this article is from 3 to 8 years in prison.

As reported OBOZREVATEL, 17 October it became known about the suspension of the OSCE observation mission in Donbass, which served as protests at its headquarters in the temporarily occupied Donetsk. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine called blocking the activities of observers unacceptable.

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