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Russia threatens Swiss newspaper Neue Zurcher Zeitung with legal action over Putin cartoons

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Switzerland accused editor-in-chief of the Neue Zurcher Zeitung, Eric Guyer, that the newspaper “regularly publishes materials from various authors who shamelessly and with impunity spread their fabrications and curses against the Russian leadership,” and announced its intention to sue the Swiss publication.

In particular, the dissatisfaction of Russian diplomats is connected with the publication in the Neue Zurcher Zeitung caricature on Russian President Vladimir Putin. In the picture, he is shown with a clown nose and a rainbow flag imprint on his face.

The Russian embassy said the article was accompanied by a “beyond reasonable understanding caricature of the Russian leader with references to clownery, the LGBT community and war criminals.”

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“As for the personality of the President of Russia, he, as you know, is a deeply religious Orthodox person and advocates the preservation of traditional Christian values ​​in Russian society (and he is clearly not a fan of the LGBT community, in connection with which the rainbow coloring of his face, as they say in Russia, neither to the village nor to the city),” the letter to the editor-in-chief says.

According to Russian diplomats, the expression “war criminal” in relation to President Putin “is also an unsubstantiated direct insult.”

Also, employees of the diplomatic mission of the Russian Federation in Switzerland were outraged that the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky in the article “is depicted as a powerful Iron Man.”

“If we talk about clowning, it would be much more appropriate to touch on this topic in the context of the recent past of the former Ukrainian comedian V. Zelensky. , the embassy said in a letter.

The Neue Zurcher Zeitung newspaper has not yet commented on the letter from the Russian embassy.

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