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Russia suspends START treaty inspections on its territory

Russia informed the United States that temporarily suspend Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) inspection activities on its territory at facilities subject to inspections under that treaty. This was stated in a statement issued on Monday by the Russian Foreign Ministry, quoted by TASS.

“On August 8, 2022, the Russian Federation officially notified the United States of America through diplomatic channels that our country is temporarily withdrawing from the inspection activities under the START treaty of its facilities subject to inspections under this treaty… Such actions are provided for in paragraph 5 of section I of chapter five of the protocol to the START treaty. They may be undertaken in exceptional cases and for purposes not inconsistent with the treaty.”

We would like to emphasize that the measures we have taken are temporary“, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

At the same time, the Russian Foreign Ministry emphasized that Moscow was forced to resort to such actions “because of Washington’s constant desire to indirectly achieve a restart of inspection activity at conditions that do not take into account the existing realities, create unilateral advantages for the United States and effectively deprive the Russian Federation of the right to carry out inspections on American territories“.

As noted by the Russian Foreign Ministry now due to the anti-Russian sanctions, normal air traffic between Russia and the US was interrupted and the airspace of a number of countries was closed to Russian aircraft, so Russian inspection teams cannot reach the entry points on American territory, the diplomatic department added. They also stand out visa difficulties for inspectors and crews again because of the sanctions. Russia notes and the increase in the incidence of COVID-19 in the United States.

The United Nations calls on Russia and the United States to resolve all issues related to conducting inspections under the Strategic Offensive Arms Reduction Treaty (START). This was stated by Stephane Dujarric, official representative of the Secretary General of the world organization.

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At the beginning of 2021, Russia and the USA agreed to extend the START contract (Strategic Offensive Arms Reduction Treaty) without any additional conditions as proposed by Moscow. This was announced by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov, quoted by RIA Novosti.

US President Joe Biden called on August 1 Russia and China to start nuclear arms control talkssaying that Moscow in particular has an obligation to show responsibility after its invasion of Ukraine, AFP reported.

In a statement, the US leader reiterated that his administration is ready to “expeditiously negotiate” a replacement for the START treaty limiting the intercontinental nuclear forces of the United States and Russia, which is due to expire in 2026.

On the same day source from the Russian Foreign Ministry expressed dismay on Monday at US President Joe Biden’s proposal to negotiate a new nuclear arms control framework to replace the START treaty when it expires in 2026.

“Is this a serious statement or has the White House website been hacked?” a Russian Foreign Ministry source told Reuters. “If this is indeed a serious intention, who exactly do they intend to discuss it with?”

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Russia: The US must withdraw its nuclear weapons from third countries

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