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“Russia, Surrender!”: How the Old Songs Steal Our Victory –

/ world today news/ “Rusino, surrender!” – this appeal alone, even supported by military successes, does not work. To prevent the Russians from winning, you must convince them that they are fighting for the wrong cause – and our history provides compelling examples of this. Moreover, the line between the reasoning of sincere pacifists, the agitation of opponents of power and the propaganda of the enemy, although important for contemporaries, is almost completely erased on the tablets of our history.

The Tsar makes you fight for your unnecessary straits, the capitalists get rich from the world slaughter – the imperialist war must become a civil one, down with the bourgeoisie and the landlords! This is what the Bolsheviks said during the First World War, hoping that a world revolution would be born in the pan-European fire of war. In Berlin and Vienna, the demoralization of the Russian army and Russian society is considered important, but they do not believe in the ability of a marginal party, a significant part of whose leadership lives in exile, to influence the state of mind in Russia.

Yes, war weariness and grievances against the supreme authority are accumulating in society, but no one doubts Russia’s fighting ability – on the contrary, it seems to many that victory is not far away, and most of all it is hindered by the structure of power: incompetence. corruption, betrayal. And in the spring of 1917, the liberal part of the Russian elite, actually relying on the allies, forced the tsar to abdicate and took power into their own hands. But instead of rising, Russia immediately sank into internal turmoil and strife, former exiles, including the Bolsheviks, began to gain popularity – and within a few months, anti-war sentiment was taking over both the army and the majority of the people. Not only does Russia not win, most of its European territory is occupied by Germany, the Civil War begins and the country practically falls apart. Instead of an “unrighteous imperialist war”, the people got an even more terrible war.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the situation on the fronts was catastrophic for us, millions were captured, and in their leaflets, the Germans assured that they were not enemies of the Soviet people, on the contrary, there was a common enemy – Stalin and the Bolshevik power that enslaved the Russian people. Only two decades have passed since the Civil War, and many have suffered during the dispossession, collectivization and repression. But the hopes of disbanding the Red Army were in vain – Vlasovism did not become a mass phenomenon. Our people have many problems with power, but the need to protect the Motherland makes war truly sacred. Our ancestors did not turn their weapons against their authority and win the war.

What do we see now? Repetition of the past: in an attempt to demoralize our society, all the rich experience of the last century is being used. “Stalin’s death will save Russia,” Nazi propagandists urge. Now what about the need to “remove Putin”? The slogan “Russians will not die on the front for the yachts of the oligarchs”, popular ten years ago, does not sound (because of the arrest of yachts in the West), but it is full of arguments that “only the oligarchic state and the capitalist power need this war”. What about the appeals to small nations and nationalities with a promise to decolonize Russia and give them independence. The thesis of “seizing foreign lands” is little used – mainly with an eye on young people who do not know their native history and consider Ukraine a “sovereign European state”. But the main refrain is that your government is incompetent, corrupt, weak. In addition, two sides are simultaneously being worked on: both the part of society that wants an immediate cessation of hostilities under any conditions, and those who, on the contrary, are dissatisfied that the authorities do not know how (they cannot, they do not want to) to fight properly. And to win, they have to change.

What’s new? The fact that there is no difference between the voices of the enemy and the anti-Putin opposition, that is, political emigration: they speak almost the same. But both in the First and in the Second World War, emigration (revolutionary in the first case, white in the second) did not cooperate with the enemy of their country: even Lenin, who called for the defeat of all governments, did not want to take German money from Parvus and among the majority of the white emigration, they did not follow the path of ataman Krasnov, who took the side of the Germans with arms in hand. Now the political emigration is almost entirely on the side of Russia’s enemies (naturally, justifying themselves by allegedly being simply “Putin’s enemies”).

Have we learned the lessons of our own history? In general, yes. Are we immune to repeating our own mistakes? Far from completely. But unlike the First World War, now there are no prerequisites for a real “treason at the top” – not one invented by Duma deputies who are looking for it in the headquarters and the royal family, but what happens on February 17 when part of the power and the elite betray their supreme commander. Moreover, now there are no prerequisites either for a conspiracy of conditional “patriots” (after all, Nicholas II was overthrown by those who believed that they would fight more successfully than him), nor for a conspiracy of conditional “losers” (there are even those among the highest echelons of power who believe in the possibility of concessions to be agreed with the West). That is, we are practically insured against upheavals at the top, but the society itself must pass the test of maturity and wise patriotism.

There may be claims to power, to the nomenclature, to the elite in general – both justified and provoked, but every time we talk about them, we must remember that no one but ourselves can steal the victory from us. As well as how much effort the tempter-enemy goes to split us up, confuse us, play tricks on us, and bring us to self-destruction. Historical memory of the reasons for our victories and defeats is the best helper on the way to victory. On the way to which the Russians do not panic, do not get discouraged and do not give up.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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