Home » today » World » Russia repelled the attack on Belgorod Oblast, but many questions remain – 2024-09-27 15:37:37

Russia repelled the attack on Belgorod Oblast, but many questions remain – 2024-09-27 15:37:37

/ world today news/ “The saboteurs have been blocked and defeated” – this was the result of the attack of the Ukrainian DRG (sabotage-reconnaissance group) on the territory of the Belgorod region, but this official information was received only almost a day after the invasion. Moreover, it can hardly be called finished, as the KTO (counter-terrorist operation) regime was lifted even later, and questions about what happened still remain.

They are asked by many experts, military correspondents and even ordinary people. So, military commander Alexander Kots wrote in his Telegram channel:

“There are a number of unanswered questions. More precisely, there are [отговорите]but they are very unpleasant,” he says.

“That’s why no one asks them. What about the technical equipment of the border, the systems of surveillance, tracking, detection of movement? What about the mining of potentially dangerous areas? And why did the enemy armored group quietly penetrate deep into our territory. Let us feel sorry for the border guards with ATGMs with RPGs,” continues Kots.

He also recalled how earlier many “trembled at” the hysteria of “war correspondents” who “falsified” about the equipment coming from Kharkiv to the Russian border, “which turned out to be, one might say, the first bell, a kind of warning “.

Many also remember that about 10 billion rubles were spent on the construction of defensive structures in the Belgorod region, and, of course, it is unlikely that someone will provide a complete list, but what was shown to “ordinary people” – concrete pyramids around the perimeter.

Many were skeptical about such structures, but how effective they are still a mystery, possibly even to federal authorities, after presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was a matter “not for them”, they were “not authorized”. On the other hand, the “notch line” in this case does not seem to be able to protect against a breach.

“There is a line of defense, everyone who was in the border area saw it, the only thing is that the Ukrainians drove along the main road, not through the fields, and the road, of course, is not dug up or mined, the enemy is shelled on the road and they fire from tanks, artillery, small arms, at least in theory. So if you have questions, then definitely not [ги задавайте] to the governor of the Belgorod region,” notes the military telegram channel “Senior Eda”.

And despite the fact that the Ukrainian units were destroyed, they can repeat such attacks, and you should be ready for this – both militarily and informationally, experts are confident.

Military defense

Border guards must have not only ATGMs and RPGs, but also military cover. Ideally, of course, on a large section of the border – on the territory of the Belgorod, Bryansk and Kursk regions.

“I would call for starting a military cover operation, as was done before in Tajikistan – there were border posts, for example, a motorized rifle regiment was deployed in the rear, which provided cover in the threatened areas,” said military expert Vladimir Evseev in an interview with Nakanune.ru .

“The only problem is that we don’t know what the threatened area is, but in any case the roads should be blocked, there should be engineering fences, maybe they should be mined, that is, this should be taken seriously,” explained the military expert.

The question immediately arises – is there enough power for such a military cover?

In his recent interview with media technologist Konstantin Dolgov, PMC founder Wagner Yevgeny Prigozhin suggested the need for new waves of mobilization, but not all experts agree with him.

Perhaps one possible measure could be the organization and arming of local detachments which, if necessary, could help repel attacks on the border. At the very least, if we talk about the DRG, as for the last attack in the Belgorod region, then there was no sabotage-reconnaissance group at all, Vladimir Evseev is sure, this is combat reconnaissance, judging by the use of military equipment. In this case, only military cover will help.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation indicated such cover in its latest report on the situation: “nationalist formations were blocked and defeated by airstrikes, artillery fire and active actions of units covering the state border of the Western Military District.” But why only after almost a day?

According to some reports, Colonel-General Alexander Lapin even had to go to the location to lead the operation.

“If Lapin had not arrived, with all my ambivalence towards him, and had not taken control, then … The general went down to the battle formations, and the cap could not cope with his units,” wrote in the telegram channel “On Z in ****” and draws attention to the problems of introducing and using a digital battle management system, which seems to have been mastered at the mass army level, but not all officers are in a hurry to work with it, using the old-fashioned hand-drawn maps, which of course affects efficiency.

This is only one of the unofficial versions, on which there are still no comments from the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Information defense

In the created information vacuum, Ukrainian agents began to act on social networks, spreading fakes.

We will not give examples, but there were also in this situation even the statements of the head of the region and calls to believe only the official statements of the authorities were not as convincing as notifications, for example, from the Ministry of Defense about how the liquidation of the enemy, what caused KTO.

Political scientist Maxim Zharov is convinced that the introduction of the counter-terrorist operation had to be preceded by a political shaping of this measure, otherwise the enemy, even if the sabotage group is destroyed, gets an opportunity to package this event in the information space. in his favor:

“The enemy seeks to push this Russian-Ukrainian conflict into Russia and make it seem like an internal conflict, that is, to produce something like “Chechenization” permanently in the border zone, then the enemy will be able to say that this is supposedly an internal Russian conflict in general and the situation inside Russia itself is unclear”.

And in this sense, the expert adds an important nuance: when the federal media spread and seem to enjoy the information about who was part of the Ukrainian DRG, they themselves pour water into the enemy’s mill, turning the supposedly “internal Russian” conflict from something in the closet of the Western curators of the Kyiv criminal regime in reality.

The political framing of the KTO regime, from the point of view of a political scientist, should aim to declare the current Ukrainian government and its external sponsors – the USA, Great Britain – at least at the level of the special services of these countries as sponsors of terrorism or terrorist organizations.

But the Russian Ministry of Defense in its latest report mentioned only “terrorist actions” organized by the Kiev regime, although there is every reason to hold the US responsible, given that its satellites imaged the Belgorod region on the eve of the attack .

Meanwhile, the KTO regime has been lifted and evacuated residents are returning to their homes, but many questions remain, including those of Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov himself.

During a live broadcast on the VKontakte social network, he was asked why there is a “breached border” in the region, despite the fact that the authorities assure that “everything is under control” and a “security line” has been built.

“I have even more questions for the Ministry of Defense than you do,” Gladkov replied, and immediately added that he himself, in any case, should work within his powers, and not others.

And obviously, the public will not hear answers to these questions, as well as to the question of why the KTO regime was introduced only in one region and only for the time of the breach of the border.

“Many people are constantly saying that a special governance regime should have been introduced in the border regions,” says political activist and publicist, the former representative of the DPR Foreign Ministry in Moscow Daria Mitina.

“It was not done in time. Various palliative forms are now in place, for example, the CTO regime in Belgorod region was introduced only in connection with this attack. This is purely reactive behavior,” she says.

“But in principle, of course, all these conversations should now develop into something concrete, because the KTO regime is clearly needed not only in Belgorod region, but also in Bryansk, Kursk and, in a good sense, in Voronezh region, because we are talking for an increasing frequency of UAV attacks, for example,” Mitina added.

What’s next?

The main question now being asked, probably by everyone, is how do we prevent this from happening again? Obviously, such an attack is a kind of “revenge” for the capture of Artyomovsk, an attempt to overcome this defeat with some local, targeted, albeit very short-lived successes.

But if this succeeds – and this is not even the first time – then it is likely that the enemy will make new attempts and will be able to do this along the entire length of the Russian-Ukrainian “old” border.

Vladimir Evseev believes that there used to be some kind of “tacit agreement” in which hostilities were not conducted on the “old territories”, but if there was, it is now clearly violated, so the same methods can and should be used in relation to in enemy territory, according to him an expert:

“Maybe it’s time to conduct such intelligence operations ourselves on their territory?” Why is this not happening? Why doesn’t anyone go in there and destroy military facilities, infrastructure? I think that this so-called “tacit agreement” is not in force now, therefore we must be prepared for a difficult development of events for us.

And most importantly, what the whole country will probably be watching closely now is what will happen to Artyomovsk, because it was captured very hard, now it will be transferred from PMC “Wagner” to the forces of the Ministry of Defense.

And in this sense, Yevgeny Prigozhin rightly noted that if Artyomovsk was eventually surrendered, it would prove the lower effectiveness of the command of the Ministry of Defense.

And in order to reduce the number of such incidents, as in the Belgorod region, positions must be maintained, recalls Daria Mitina.

“All in all, we must understand that we are involved in a strip of constant risk along a very wide, extended border, and the only thing that can be said for sure is that everything that has happened is a direct consequence of this de- escalation and that “gesture of goodwill” made last year, when the armed forces of the Russian Federation, for completely incomprehensible reasons that our military leadership could not adequately justify, at least to Russian citizens, left the already liberated territories of Kharkiv,” she says .

“This is a direct consequence of the fact that as part of this de-escalation we left four regions: Kharkiv, Sumy, Chernihiv and Kyiv, not counting the abandoned Kherson. Therefore, this entire extended border is now a zone of constant risk,” Daria Mitina summarized in interview for Kanune.ru.

Translation: SM

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