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Russia prolongs Twitter slowdown, threatens Facebook and YouTube

Russia announced on Monday that it will continue to slow down the operations of the US social network Twitter, due to its “illegal” content, and threatened Facebook and YouTube with similar measures.

Russia’s internet and media regulator Roskomnadzor began slowing down Twitter services in mid-March, accusing the platform of failing to suppress content related to child pornography, drug use and calls for minors to be abused. commit suicide.

The regulator gave Twitter a month to remove the content, on pain of being totally blocked in Russia. Last month, it extended that deadline until mid-May.

In a statement released on Monday, the regulator said it would not block the social network but that it would continue to slow down its operations, after having verified through an audit that Twitter had removed more than 90% of the “prohibited information”. Still, he urged the social network to “remove all identified prohibited materials.”

In addition, Roskomnadzor announced that it had detected cases of illegal content “on other internet sites, including Facebook and YouTube.”

“If those platforms do not take appropriate measures, similar sanctions will be applied to them,” the regulator warned.

Last month, Twitter was sentenced in Russia to three fines totaling approximately $ 116,000 for failing to suppress messages calling for opposition demonstrations.


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