Home » today » World » Russia: Number of our dead in Makivka attack rises to 89… phones are the reason

Russia: Number of our dead in Makivka attack rises to 89… phones are the reason

video statement from the ministry that Russian forces "He managed to destroy 4 Himar bombers" he targeted his military Makeyka.

confirmed Fly That "The main reason for the attack on Makevka was the massive use of mobile phones, despite the ban"aiming at "Formation of a Special Investigative Commission to investigate the circumstances of the attack".

The statement added: "We are taking the necessary measures to prevent this catastrophe from happening again and those responsible will be punished once the investigation is complete".

video" refid="1585574">

what happened?

• On New Year’s Eve, Kiev carried out an attack on a Russian military center in the Russian-controlled town of Makivka in Pragamat "Hemar" Missile recently received from the United States.

• In a rare admission, Russia’s defense ministry acknowledged on Monday that 63 of its soldiers were killed in the rocket attack.

• Ukraine says the death toll is much higher than Moscow has acknowledged so far.

• This heavy loss caused a shock within Russian society and unleashed a wave of criticism of the army.

• Demonstrations were organized across Russia on Tuesday in honor of the soldiers who died in the attack.


A video statement from the ministry said Russian forces “managed to destroy 4 HIMARS launchers” that targeted its military personnel in Makeyka.

confirmed Fly That “the main reason for the attack on Makivka was the massive use of mobile phones, despite the ban imposed”, noting that “a special investigative committee was formed to investigate the circumstances of the attack”.

The statement added: “We are taking the necessary measures to prevent a repeat of this tragedy, and those responsible will be punished after the completion of the investigation.”

what happened?

• On New Year’s Eve, Kyiv carried out an attack on a Russian military facility in the Russian-controlled city of Makivka in eastern Ukraine with “HIMARS” missile launchers recently received from the United States.

• In a rare admission, Russia’s defense ministry acknowledged on Monday that 63 of its soldiers were killed in the rocket attack.

• Ukraine says the death toll is much higher than Moscow has acknowledged so far.

• This heavy loss caused a shock within Russian society and unleashed a wave of criticism of the army.

• Demonstrations were organized across Russia on Tuesday in honor of the soldiers who died in the attack.

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