Home » today » World » Russia needs an anti-liberal Smersh – 2024-03-07 19:34:59

Russia needs an anti-liberal Smersh – 2024-03-07 19:34:59

/ world today news/ If we are talking seriously, the liberal hegemony in Russia is still quite strong. The thing is that virtually all the major institutions that have been pushed into education, the humanities and culture since 1991 have been built on strictly liberal tracks. With us, everything is liberal, starting with the Constitution. Even the prohibition of ideology itself is a purely liberal ideological thesis. Liberals do not consider liberalism itself an ideology – for them it is an “ultimate truth”, and by “ideology” they understand everything that challenges this “liberal truth”, such as socialism, communism, nationalism or the political teachings of traditional society .

At the same time, from the very beginning, the liberal ideology acquired a totalitarian character. Usually, liberals criticize totalitarianism – both right-wing (nationalist) and left-wing (socialist), and liberalism itself, which is equated (literally) with “democracy”, opposes all totalitarian regimes. But the profound philosopher and student of Heidegger, Hannah Arendt, astutely observes that totalitarianism is characteristic of all political ideologies of the New Age, including liberal democracy. Liberalism is no exception: it is also totalitarian in nature.

As with any totalitarianism, it is said that a separate group of society (representing a minority) announces that it is supposedly the “bearer of universal truth”, that is, knowledge about everything. And then, proceeding from the fanatical conviction of the infallibility of its ideology, it imposes its views on the whole society.

Unlike the old (e.g. Hellenic) democracy, the majority and its opinion do not matter in totalitarian regimes, including totalitarian liberalism. There is an argument for this: “Hitler was elected by the Germans with a majority of the votes, therefore the majority is not an argument, it can make a wrong choice”. And what is “correct” is known only by the “enlightened/awakened” liberal minority. In addition, the majority is suspicious, it must be kept under strict control. The progressive minorities should rule.

In Russia, liberalism comes precisely in this form – as the hegemony of the pro-Western liberal minorities, of the “reformers”. It establishes its principles in politics, economics, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, law, ethnology, cultural studies, political science and so on. All humanities disciplines are completely captured by liberals and guided by the West through the system of ratings, scientific publications, citation indexes and other criteria.

Putin’s coming to power changed the situation only by introducing the principle of sovereignty, that is, of political realism. This could not fail to affect the general structure of liberalism in Russia, for liberal dogma denies sovereignty at all and advocates that nation-states be abolished and integrated into the supranational structure of world government. Therefore, with the arrival of Putin, some of the most consistent and radical liberal minorities stood in opposition.

But most (systemic) liberals decided to adapt to Putin, take a formally loyal position, but continue, as if nothing had happened, to pursue the liberal course. Putin simply shared power with the liberals: they gave him realism, the military sphere and foreign policy, and for them the rest – economy, science, culture, education.

In 2014, after the annexation of Crimea, the next move towards sovereignty and realism took place. And another wave of liberals, feeling that they were losing their former hegemonic positions, left Russia.

The SVO has changed a lot, but the impression remains that, despite everything, we want to say at any cost: “No, we are real liberals, and you are illiberals. You backed away from liberal democracy by supporting the Nazi regime in Kiev. And we are faithful to liberal dogmas. They also include anti-fascism, and we are fighting Ukrainian fascism, as required by liberal ideology”.

We are still dealing with “sovereign liberalism”, that is, with the (contradictory and hopeless attempt) to combine the political sovereignty of the Russian Federation with global Western norms.

Allegedly, Putin signed decree #809 on traditional values ​​(opposite to liberal values), provisions for the normal family were introduced into the Constitution, God is mentioned as the basis of Russian history, the LGBT movement is banned as extremist, the list of foreign agents is constantly replenished, a new wave of the most radical liberals and oppositionists fled to the West, the Russian people were declared the subject of history, Russia a civilization state…. And the liberal hegemony, as before, is preserved in Russia. It has penetrated our society so much that it has begun to reproduce itself in the new generations of rulers, officials, scientific and educational workers.

Now we have entered a new cycle for the re-election of Putin as a popular leader. There is no doubt that the public will choose him unanimously. Consider it already chosen. Still, he is our main and only hope for deliverance from the liberal yoke, a pledge of victory in the war and the savior of Russia. But the liberal totalitarian sect does not think of surrendering positions. She is ready to fight for them to the end. They are not afraid of any patriotic forces in politics, they are not afraid of the people (who are taught to keep quiet under fear of severe punishment), they are not afraid of God (they do not believe in him or they believe in their own – the fallen one), they are not afraid from rebellion.

But the problem is quite acute: Russia should not justify itself as a civilization, as a pole in the multipolar world, relying on liberal ideology, preserving the hegemony of liberals in society – at the level of public self-awareness, at the level of cultural code. We need something similar to Smersh in the field of ideas and humanitarian paradigms, but for this there is clearly no determination, no personnel, no institutions, and no trained competent specialists – after all, education in Russia for the last 30 years has been led precisely by liberals. They insure themselves by blocking any attempt to go outside the liberal dogma. And they succeed in making the humanitarian sphere either liberal or sterile.

Many will say that now the SVO and the elections are next, and we will deal with the liberals later. That `s a mistake. We’ve run out of time. The people are awakening, the country must focus on victory. But it is simply theoretically impossible to defeat the West in Ukraine and at the same time preserve the totalitarian omnipotence of the liberals inside the country. While they are here, even victory will be pyrrhic.

Therefore, now is the time to open another front – a front in the field of ideology, worldview, public self-awareness. The totalitarian rule of liberals in Russia must be ended – above all in the fields of knowledge, science, education, culture, determining the value bases of education and development.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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