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Russia may hold a referendum on the annexation of Donbass in May

The Russian Federation may try to hold bogus referendums to give the appearance of democratic or electoral legitimacy.

Russia will try to annex the occupied Donetsk and Luhansk regions / photo REUTERS

US intelligence reports that Russia will try to “attach” the Donetsk and Lugansk regions before “mid-May”, and the Russians also plan to annex the Kherson region and create “KhNR”.

This was announced by US Ambassador to the OSCE Michael Carpenter at a briefing at the State Department, reports CNN.

“There is ‘credible’ intelligence in the US that Russia will attempt to annex the separatist-occupied Donetsk and Lugansk regions ‘sometime in mid-May’ and that there are plans to create a similar so-called ‘people’s republic’ in the Kherson region… In reports it is said that Russia plans to hold a referendum on joining Russia sometime in mid-May, and that Moscow is considering a similar plan for Kherson,” he said.

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Carpenter added that Russia is reportedly kidnapping local officials to replace them with “groups loyal to Moscow,” as well as disappearing “school directors, journalists, local activists, municipal officials.”

Recently there have been reports that Russian forces turned off the internet and access to some cell phones in those regions to cut off the flow of reliable information.

In these cities, he said, the Russian Federation “may try to hold fictitious referendums to try to give the appearance of democratic or electoral legitimacy.”

As reported, recent statements by the occupying administration in Kherson about the “impossibility” of returning the city to Ukrainian control are likely to indicate Russia’s intention to implement a strong political and economic influence in Kherson in the long term.

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