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Russia justifies the violation of the Minsk agreements

Russia convenes the Security Council to justify its invasion of Ukraine on the eighth anniversary of the failure of the Minsk agreements.

“We had no choice but to defend our country”

“The more horror stories we hear in the face of the obviousness that Russia did not implement the Minsk agreement, the more people will understand that we had no choice but to defend our country, defend it from you, defend our identity and our future,” Vasily Nebenzya said. Russian ambassador to the United Nations.

The Minsk protocol, reached between Russia and Ukraine in 2014 to de-escalate the conflict in Donbas, was buried even before the Russian invasion of Ukraine when Putin recognized the independence of Donetsk and Lugansk.

Russia exhausts the diplomatic channel

Exhausting diplomatic channels. Russia has just expelled four Austrian diplomats in retaliation for the expulsion of four other Russian representatives accused of espionage.

A tribunal to investigate war crimes committed by Russia

The leaders of the Baltic countries insisted at the Munich summit that an international tribunal be created to investigate the war crimes that Russia is committing during the aggression.

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