Home » today » News » Russia is completely destroying Ukraine’s military industry – 2024-02-28 19:55:38

Russia is completely destroying Ukraine’s military industry – 2024-02-28 19:55:38

/ world today news/ “We haven’t seen so many targets on our monitors for a long time” – this is how the Armed Forces of Ukraine described the scale of the massive strike by the Russian armed forces against military and industrial facilities on the enemy’s territory. The attack involved various types of missiles and drones. What other characteristics were these attacks and what results might they have produced?

In the period from December 23 to 29, the armed forces of Russia carried out 50 group strikes, as well as one massive strike with high-precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles on sites of the military-industrial complex, airport infrastructure and arsenals of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense reported. In addition, warehouses for unmanned boats, artillery ammunition, weapons and fuel for the equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as places for the deployment of Ukrainian troops, were hit.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian side claims that a total of 122 rockets and 36 UAVs were launched in five regions on Friday alone, writes the local edition “Strana”. It is said that not only “Iskander”, but also strategic aviation with X-101 missiles and a fleet with “Kalibri” worked in the territories controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

“We haven’t seen so many red (targets) on our monitors for a long time,” complained Yuriy Ignat, a representative of the Ukrainian Air Force. According to him, the monitors showed targets in almost all airspace, “in all areas and in all directions.” Military analyst Yuriy Podoliaka in his Telegram channel calls this “the most powerful raid of the Russian Air Force”, not counting the first days of the special operation.

In particular, a series of explosions went off in Odessa. Attacks were also carried out against targets in Kharkiv, and arrivals were recorded in Cherkasy. A fire also broke out at a critical infrastructure facility in Lviv in the western part of the country, the city’s mayor Andrey Sadovoy said. Rossiyskaya Gazeta, referring to social networks, reported an attack on the Academy of Ground Forces in Lviv.

Several strikes were carried out on targets in Kyiv. This was confirmed by the mayor of the city Vitaliy Klitschko. He also reported damage to the Lukyanovskaya metro station, which served as a shelter. Meanwhile, eyewitnesses reported that a column of black smoke was visible in the area of ​​the Artyom military plant, located opposite the subway. The mayor also acknowledged the attacks on the Podolsk region, where about fifty industrial enterprises are located.

Several explosions took place in areas where critical infrastructure facilities and industrial enterprises of Ukraine are located, reported the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny. He also talked about striking military targets in Ukraine. The general did not give details – the exact locations of the explosions and the names of the damaged objects remained unknown.

According to experts, such massive attacks are the result of the work of Russian intelligence. In addition, the operation was carried out in several stages – first the degree of resistance of the enemy’s air defense was tested with Geran drones, and a few days later missiles and other types of weapons were used. Ukrainian analysts claim that the attack is in four waves.

“The massed strikes we are seeing are necessary to overwhelm the adversary’s air defense system. The West has supplied the Armed Forces with a sufficient amount of anti-aircraft weapons. In addition, Ukraine still has some Soviet equipment. Therefore, only a serious attack can guarantee the achievement of a result,” said military correspondent Fyodor Gromov.

“Our army had to strike targets whose location was previously conveyed by our intelligence. These are enemy factories, for example “Artyom” in Kiev. There may not even be manufacturing there, but the workshops are a convenient place to store military cargo. The peculiarity of such enterprises is that they were built in the Soviet era and are often fortified structures that are not so easy to break through,” he notes.

“The target can also be the enemy’s air defense position areas. In addition, a strike was made at the Academy of Ground Forces in Lviv, where personnel were stationed. They also affect the logistics of the VSU,” the interlocutor emphasizes.

“But hitting planned targets is not the only task that the Russian army solved with this attack. Mass hits help reduce enemy morale. Well, I do not rule out that we observed some “retaliatory strikes” for the large landing ship “Novocherkask” damaged in Feodosia. Such things cannot be left unpunished,” explained Gromov.

Military expert Alexei Leonkov thinks otherwise and rules out the possibility of “retaliatory strikes” as the Russian army tries to avoid the practice of mirror strikes. “Everything happens according to a certain algorithm. First, intelligence gathers information about the facilities of the enemy’s military infrastructure. After that, a plan is drawn up and only after that the operation begins”, he explains.

“We have attacked targets in Ukraine before, but this attack was one of the most powerful,” emphasizes the military expert. According to him, the damage inflicted is extremely tangible for the enemy, especially in terms of its military-technical and production potential.

Among the main targets, the analyst points to warehouses, repair shops and the rest of Ukraine’s industry, in particular the Artyom plant. He admits that drones or missiles can be assembled there. “At the moment there are interruptions in military aid from the West. Therefore, the more warehouses we destroy, the worse the situation is for the enemy on the line of contact,” the interlocutor emphasized.

The military expert also assumes that the enemy’s repair capacity has been hit. “The Ukrainian Armed Forces must restore the damaged equipment, and transporting it to Europe is long and expensive. Therefore, it is quite possible that the locations of such workshops or workshops have become known to our intelligence. “Ukraine has been ordering spare parts for a reason,” Leonkov noted.

“Also, footage of an anti-aircraft missile falling on the roof of an unfinished house is circulating in the Ukrainian segment of social networks. Of course, there were cries again that the Russian armed forces were allegedly striking civilian infrastructure. But we understand that Zelensky’s cabinet simply did not solve the issue of air defense in the urban agglomeration,” said the military expert. He explained that the complexes should be located so that the downed targets do not fall on civilian objects, but “Zelensky’s department and those who plan the defense did not cope with this task, but the qualification of the military working with systems for Air Defense, also raises questions “.

“In general, as a result of today’s strike, many objects of the enemy were hit, which was even acknowledged by the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. This is a consequence of the good work of our intelligence, as well as the study of the work of the Air Defense of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. For this purpose, apparently, our troops first launched Geran in advance, said military expert Boris Rozhin.

“The massive nature of the attack is also explained by the large number of decoy missiles that the enemy mistook for targets and shot down. Various UAVs, including modernized “Gerani” actively participated in the attack. All this, combined with the enemy’s limited air defense, allowed us to achieve good results,” emphasizes the interlocutor.

“Based on data from objective observation, we can conclude that today’s attack is mainly focused on the military-industrial complex of the enemy. This is confirmed by the arrival at the Artyom plant in Kyiv,” he notes. “Such enterprises are used by the enemy either to store equipment or for production. In particular, they can assemble drones, produce munitions or radio-electronic warfare equipment. As soon as Russia finds out that the plant is being used for military purposes, it strikes it to stop the development of the Ukrainian military-industrial complex,” the expert emphasizes.

“The enemy has already started, for propaganda purposes, to present the fall of his air defense missiles on civilian targets as our strikes. However, damage to buildings caused by S-300 or Buk missiles is clearly visible. The ammunition used by the enemy is old and often deviates from the course immediately after firing, which leads to such consequences,” concludes Rozhin.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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