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Russia has dealt a particular blow to our Defense Ministry

Kuncho Kozhuharov

What drove the agents of Russian influence?

Two weeks ago, Vladimir Milenski, director of the Information Center (IC) of the Ministry of Defense, presented a report on “Combating hybrid threats in the information space: lessons from the Bulgarian practice”. This was one of the most important statements at the conference held on July 19 at the Central Military Club on more hybrid attacks and the propaganda of the Russian Federation in the context of the war in Ukraine.
Milensky found that Russia is waging a vicious information war against us and revealed that the MoD IC is looking for ways to deal with one of the most dangerous consequences of its attacks – the reduction in the number of people who want to join the army and in the army. schools.

All journalists know that some of the management in the Ministry of Defense and the presidency are trying to deepen this problem with their lack of action. In complete harmony with them, the venal pro-Russian parties are now fueling hysteria with parliamentary questions about the false deployment of our troops in Ukraine,
and Russian trolls based in our country are lighting it up with new and new rumors.
Milensky’s report worried the representatives of the Russian influence in our country, and since they could not openly oppose the patriotic activities of the IC, they began to look for indirect ways to torpedo it. A week later, they found the calf under the ox – a clip urging young people to enroll in Vasil Levski National University. The clip was probably not very successful and the IC quickly removed it from the website of the Ministry of Defense, but the event was already there and the active event began.

Feldfebelian arguments, or how a fly is made into an elephant

An old acquaintance – Dimitar Stoyanov, known to most Bulgarians as Mityo Esemesa (DS/ME) and a man for everything under President Radev – hastened to post several pages of comments about the video on his Facebook profile, pointing to the Putinophile army to attack Milensky. Perhaps the poor man did not even suspect that he was taking a self-portrait, because from just a few sentences some people can understand the purpose of the writing, what is his mental baggage and what he is worth.
Let’s see how our handsome man presented himself (all quotes are taken from his Facebook opus, so they are the spelling and semantic errors).
“Civilians and military alike are rightly outraged by the sloppiness disguised as a “publicity clip” of the National University, which was provided to us yesterday by the Information Center of the Ministry of Defence. The clip was taken down, the NSU and the press center of the Ministry of Defense went away themselves, but the shame is still there. “
Do you recognize the style? The way DS/ME claims the right to speak on behalf of all “civilian and military” is an exact copy of the way “Rabotnichesko delo” claims for itself the right to speak on behalf of Bulgarian: for the righteous anger against him. the climbers and Nikola Petkov, for capitalist spies and for the great Soviet Union.

Having set the emotional tone of the attack, DS/ME with aplomb asks the devastating question: “…who is responsible for the outrage that is happening in the Ministry of Defense Information Center ? the inquiry center has a director, it doesn’t matter if it is not indicated on the center’s website. His name is Vladimir Milensky (pictured with his partner Todor Tagarev)…” Why is Mr. DS/ME getting involved with Tagarev, we will learn later, and his -now let’s try to understand what “madnesses” we are talking about and if there are any. impurity at all.

“What is Mr. Milenski’s education?” Does he have any experience managing electronic or print media, and does he even have a day’s work experience at a television or newspaper? Are there scientific papers in these areas? – asked Radev’s man, breathless with “correct” anger. – What made the testimony of Mr. Milenski so valuable that he was appointed not only as the director of the Information Center, but also as a semi-staff as an advisor to Minister Tagarev? How many hours a week does Mr. Milenski work to earn his salary and a half?”

I will try to answer.
“What is Mr. Milenski’s education?” – Eh, Mityo, Mityo! Milenski graduated from the Military Academy in the right field – “Communication and Information Systems”.

“Is there a day’s work experience in television or newspaper?” – If the gentleman thinks you have to be a tractor driver all your life to run a tractor factory, that only speaks to his level of thinking at Feldfebel.

“What made Mr. Milenski’s credentials so valuable?” – He was the director of the Directorate of Defense Policy in the Ministry of Defense, which means that he is able to strategize, analyze and make policies.

I suspect that DS/ME fully knows the answers to his questions, but because of envy or hatred of Milenski, he can’t help himself. And since he is from the old Komsomol school, he knows how to write a rebuttal: you flood your opponent with sloppiness and so many insane questions that he begins to wonder who you will answer the the beginning. Here is the next batch of snakes and lizards spewed by the President’s adviser (I remind you the illiterate punctuation is his, not mine).
“Are positions in that institution given not on the basis of merit and qualifications, but on the basis of loyalty to the leader and showing proper party-political orientation?” Have the working conditions deteriorated since Mr. Milenski was appointed ?Isn’t it time to monitor the content of the media that is under the control of the Ministry of Defense? Doesn’t it find hyperpoliticization of the media…?
After this barrage of insinuations, DS/ME also spews the stones.
“Let’s not forget another thing – Mr. Milenski was at the bottom of the “genius” idea to turn the Information Center of the Ministry of Defense into an organization for combating disinformation and “hybrid attacks.”

Aha-ah, that’s where the cap tightened it!

Fight Russian malware and hybrid attacks!
If you ask me, this is just the function of the Information Center of the Ministry of Defense during the war. And right now we are right at the time of the war regarding the information and the hybrid war that the Russian Federation is fighting against Bulgaria. And just for this, it seems, the adviser to the president Radev wants to smear our eyes with mud. Shall we forget Russian sabotage in our weapons factories and warehouses? Is this person really so strongly defending Russia’s interests in Bulgaria? Is the real reason for the vicious attack against Milensky not because the Intelligence Center has begun to expose the five Russian columns and bludolysts, who for years under tactical conditions have been preventing re – arming the army?

Massive corruption, or a true example of betrayal in the army and leadership?

And maybe there is another personal reason to attack Vladimir Milenski? Why does DS/ME seem to be jealous of Milenski? Is it because he didn’t beat himself to being more than a lieutenant colonel, the kind in the army you shovel them into? Or is it envy at all, but hatred – because otherwise why would General Rusev, the commander of the Third Air Base, immediately join the attack against Milenski with an even longer task?
Remind me of something that most people don’t know. After the tragic death of Major Terziev during a night shooting on a target in the summer of 2021, in his personal blog, Milenski released the material “One pilot and one plane sacrificed at the altar of corruption”, in which it clearly shows the main reason for the death of the pilot – corruption established in the army. Well, how can Milenski’s words not disturb those who feel the most corrupt in the army and the leadership?
At the time, Radev, General Rusev and Gabriela Naplatanova – Rusev’s wife, who is now conveniently a member of the Council for Electronic Media (CEM), managed to sweep the matter under the carpet. Just as they swept under the carpet Radev’s hateful lobbying for the Gripens.

Now the same people and their supply people want to silence the MoD Information Center who started telling the truth. How come? Causing the dismissal of his most conscientious superior to date.
And so that the Minister of Defense does not change his mind and, seeing that he is deceived, returns Vladimir Milenski as the IC Director of the Ministry of Defense, he must be afraid.
Mityo Esemesa puts a threatening finger on the minister – I say: “For the final round, I will remind you of another wonderful role of Todor Tagarev, that is the councilor Mustafa Emin. For going through the corridors of “Pirogov” he was criticized and punished even by the national control commission of his party “Yes, Bulgaria”. Then Tagarev was unwilling to take a stand and punish the unruly adviser. The reputational damage, both for the Minister of Defense and the Ministry of Defence, was very bad. I hope that Atanas Zapryanov has learned the right lessons from this case.”

I will not dwell on the new share of opinions, which should reject the right-wing ex-minister – Todor Tagarev, and reject Vladimir Milenski as an “incomparable rascal”, I will not but Mityo Esemesa’s advisory opinion regarding the Minister of Defense: “I hope, that Atanas Zapryanov has learned the right lessons from this case.”
To be honest, I don’t envy the minister, but if I were in his place, I would reinstate Vladimir Milenski immediately.

2024-08-03 14:10:48

#Russia #dealt #blow #Defense #Ministry

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