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Russia denounces non-compliance in sabotage investigation

According to the spokesperson this Saturday in an interview with the Sputnik news agency, the explosions of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines are a flagrant act of international terrorism that is subject to a series of international agreements that establish obligations.

And the actions to prevent such acts, repress them, investigate their execution, bring those responsible to justice and cooperate with other States to achieve these objectives are not being met, despite continuous calls from Moscow, Zakharova reiterated.

Switzerland, where the gas pipeline operator is registered, “did not even attempt to investigate the terrorist attack,” while Denmark and Sweden, “in whose exclusive economic zones the explosions were recorded, quickly ended their investigations without publishing results,” he noted.

He indicated that for its part, Germany, where the end point of both gas pipelines is located, has so far not informed the international community about positive results of the investigation, its arrest warrants for the suspects have not been executed.

Moscow, he continued, repeatedly sent requests for legal assistance to European countries demanding help in the Russian investigation of the terrorist attack that were rejected “under invented pretexts or without any explanation”, which “contradicts the international legal obligations of these states.”

The West is not interested in carrying out an effective investigation into the terrorist attack, despite the colossal damage caused by the gas pipeline explosion to the European economy and environment, the spokesperson lamented.

On September 26, 2022, three of the four lines of Nord Stream 1 and 2 were the target of sabotage with explosive charges at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, near a Danish island and off the Swedish coast.

Germany, Denmark and Sweden refused to investigate the sabotage jointly with Russia and share the results of their investigations with it.

According to the investigation by the German magazine Spiegel, the operation to blow up the gas pipelines was carried out by a group of civilian Ukrainian divers and was directed and planned by former Ukrainian special services agent Roman Chervinsky.

A journalistic investigation carried out by the American communicator Seymour Hersh, winner of the Pulitzer Prize, revealed that United States military divers placed the explosive charges under the Russian gas pipelines in June 2022, during the NATO Baltops exercises.

Hersh stressed that US President Joe Biden approved the sabotage after more than nine months of secret discussions with his national security team.


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