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Russia: Alexeï Navalny arrested on his return to the country – LINFO.re

Russian opponent Alexei Navalny left Berlin to return to Moscow. On his arrival at Sheremetyevo airport on Sunday January 17, he was arrested by the police.

Russian opponent returns despite threats of arrest

Alexei Navalny was recovering in Germany after his suspected poisoning in August, which prompted immediate condemnation from the European Union and the United States. He came back in Russia Sunday, January 17, but upon his arrival at the airport, he was arrested by the police.

Last Thursday, the Russian authorities had already threatened to arrest A. Navalny if he set foot in the territory again. Since December, the 44-year-old man has been wanted by the FSIN, the service in charge of prisons in Russia, who accuses him of having violated the conditions of a suspended sentence which he received in 2014.

An arrest “unacceptable”

When boarding the plane, Alexei Navalny was however happy to return to his country. He reportedly told reporters from theFrance Media Agency : “I’m sure everything will be okay. I’m going to be arrested? It’s not possible, I’m innocent”, according to comments reported by the media.

On Twitter, the President of the European Council, C. Michel, estimated that this arrest is “unacceptable”. He asked Moscow for the “immediate release” by Mr Navalny. Expressing the same demand, EU Foreign Minister J. Borrell called on the Russian authorities to “respect rights” of the forties.

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