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Russia-Africa Summit: a little geostrategic detour

However, the organization of this meeting in Saint-Petersburg on July 27 and 28, 2023 at the height of the war in Ukraine allows some lessons.

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Africa is now at the center of all desires and like certain powers (Japan, France, China, United States, India among others) before it, Russia has its summit with Africa. However, the organization of this meeting in Saint-Petersburg on July 27 and 28, 2023 at the height of the war in Ukraine allows some lessons.

1- Africa is the center of the world.

Despite all the pejorative names with which it is overwhelmed in international bodies and works on development policies, Africa is the object of covetousness. Despite the tragedies of immigration and difficult living conditions, Africa is showing resilience. Curiously, Africa is the continent with the strongest prospects for economic growth. In reality, with a young and rapidly growing population, with a rich soil and subsoil despite outrageous exploitation, Africa is always smiling according to the expression of Hamadou Ampate Ba.

The smile is the symbol of joy, of life, of the future. After having suffered 5 centuries of slavery and 150 years of colonization, Africa is recovering and moving forward. Africa gives itself and lets itself be grasped in a changing world. Abused and radiant, weakened and radiant, Africa is there. And a smile attracts suitors or envious glances.

2- Africa has a say in the world’s progress.

The Russia-Africa summit in Saint-Petersburg shows that the world is changing. The war in Ukraine has highlighted the interpretation of international relations both politically, militarily and economically.

In this role play and although it does not have a country as a permanent member with veto power in the United Nations Security Council, Africa is able to draw new lines of international relations. Indeed, since the start of the war in Ukraine, and despite pressure from Western powers (especially France and the United States), African countries have not taken a stand against Russia. The votes at the United Nations are always of the order of a distancing.

Africans quickly grasped the play of this conflict in Ukraine. Otherwise how can we understand that as soon as the conflict started, the Westerners poured into Ukraine in less than 2 months more aid than all of Africa has received in the last 20 years?

Moreover, the more the West shows its support for Ukraine, the closer Africa is to Russia. Assimi Goïta’s Mali, Touedéra’s CAR, the Cameroon-Russia defense agreements and the future BRICS summit in South Africa testify to the consideration that Africa gives to Russia. And to think that France used all its diplomacy to get invited, but in vain. Colonialism and neocolonialism must now be combined with the past in a world that wants to be multipolar.

3- Russia is not and will never be isolated

Contrary to the image conveyed by the Western media and the NATO network, Russia remains a great power. We cannot erase 17 million km2, a right of veto at the United Nations Security Council, the exploits of Yuri Gargarine, the construction of a space station with a simple wave of the hand or by a Russian media commentary he under the guise of science. And this the African countries grasp very well.

Russia is a military power which has atomic weapons. Russia has proven gas and oil reserves. In Eurasia, Russia has the largest forests and therefore participates in nature protection. Such a country cannot be isolated. And this the African countries have understood.

The delegations of the 49 countries announced in Saint-Petersburg with representatives at the highest level are proof of a collective awareness. Nkrameh Nkrumah’s Africa United certainly passes through Saint-Petersburg and a cosmogonic encounter with Abraham Hannibal, this black slave who became a general and adviser to the Tsar of Russia.

Indeed the story of Abraham Hannibal testifies to the consideration that Russians have always had for Africa and Africans. Putin is in line with the tsars of Russia with consideration and respect for Africa.

Alphonse Bernard Amougou Mbarga is a lecturer in political science in the department of political science at the University of Douala.

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