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Runs off with a watch for 350,000 kroner

On the evening of Saturday 31 July, a man has been to the Finearts restaurant at Aker Brygge. On the way home, he stops by his boat, before heading in the direction of Sjøgata.

In a passage, the man meets two people. The man has explained that it seems like they are playing drunk. They talk briefly together, before the mood suddenly changes.


LOOKING FOR THE ROBBERIES: Torbjørn Klouman Hallert leads the investigation of the aggravated robbery at Aker Brygge. He asks the public who has tips in the case to report. Photo: Espen Storsve (Åsted Norway)

– He holds one person down, while the other grabs the arm where he has the watch, and tears it off in a very short time, says investigation leader Torbjørn Klouman Hallert.

Then the robbers run from the place. Surveillance cameras in the area capture parts of the escape. At the outer edge of Aker Brygge, they calm down, before disappearing from sight. They have the man’s wristwatch with them.

Grovt ran

– The watch is an Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Offshore. It has a value of approx. 350,000 kroner. It is a relatively expensive watch, and that is also what makes the case coded as a gross robbery, says Klouman Hallert.

STOLEN: This is what the clock that was robbed at Aker Brygge looks like.  Photo: Private

STOLEN: This is what the clock that was robbed at Aker Brygge looks like. Photo: Private

One man is wearing a blue short-sleeved shirt, black trousers and white shoes.

The other man is wearing a Balmain t-shirt, holey olaboks and dark shoes.

Both are short-cut and are said to have spoken broken English.

WANTED: The police now want to find out who these two people are, after the incident at Aker Brygge.  Photo: Police

WANTED: The police now want to find out who these two people are, after the incident at Aker Brygge. Photo: Police

The police in Oslo are now working to find out who the robbers are.

– It is clear that we take the incident seriously. It is about a person who is out walking on Aker Brygge at night, and is assaulted and robbed of objects. It puts a shock in anyone, says police superintendent Klouman Hallert

Popular and exclusive watch

Kevin Collettüller, administrator of “Klokkeriet” on Facebook, believes that there is a large market for stolen watches.

PAPER AND BOX: Kevin Collettmüller at Klokkeriet believes that the safest way to ensure that you do not buy stolen goods is to buy watches that come with papers and a box.  Photo: Espen Storsve (Åsted Norway)

PAPER AND BOX: Kevin Collettmüller at Klokkeriet believes that the safest way to ensure that you do not buy stolen goods is to buy watches that come with papers and a box. Photo: Espen Storsve (Åsted Norway)

– This is an exclusive watch, of which not many are produced. There are probably many with dishonest intentions who should have had one. Watches from Audemars Piguet have been popular for a long time, they have a unique design, are well recognized, and are easy to sell. Maybe sometimes easier to sell than to buy, he says.

Collettmüller believes the best advice is to make sure that documentation accompanies the watch.

– You can be unlucky as a buyer, and be presented with a watch where everything apparently looks ok. So here it is important to be a little obs. When buying such watches, you should make sure that they come with papers and a box. It is the safest way to track where a watch is coming from.

He thinks the watch that was stolen at Aker Brygge will not be difficult to sell.

– My impression is that people generally do not want to buy stolen goods, but I probably do not think it is difficult to find a buyer. There is a high probability that the thieves here will be able to sell the watch, and quite quickly as well, Collettmüller concludes.

Do you know who ran away with the watch, or do you have other tips in the case? Contact Åsted Norway at [email protected], or tip the police at tips.politiet.no.

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