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Running vs Walking: Which is the Best Choice for Weight Loss?

In the fight against extra pounds, physical exercise plays a fundamental role and running and walking stand out among the most popular and accessible to all activities. But what is the best choice for those who want to lose weight?

Calories burned: the main difference

The fundamental difference between running and walking lies in the number of calories burned:

Running consumes more calories per unit of time than walking.

For example, if we dedicate an hour to physical activity, running will be more effective than walking for the same amount of time, this is because running requires greater muscular effort (necessary for example for the deadlift phase) and an increase in oxygen consumption.

In scientific terms, this translates into greater energy expenditure.


Both activities have the potential to increase energy expenditure but running, being more intense, can lead to a longer-lasting effect of increased calorie expenditure even at rest, a phenomenon known as post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). This means that even after you’ve finished running, your body continues to burn calories at a slightly higher rate than normal.

Individual considerations

While running burns more calories, it is also associated with a higher risk of injury than walking, and may not be immediately suitable for everyone. On the other hand, walking is a low-impact activity and can be done by almost anyone, making it an excellent option for overweight people, older adults, or those recovering from an injury.

The choice between running and walking to lose weight therefore depends on several individual factors, including:

  • Fitness level: If you are a beginner, it is advisable to start with walking and gradually increase the intensity and duration of the workout.
  • Physical conditions: Some people, for health or physical reasons, cannot run. In these cases, walking is an excellent alternative.
  • Personal preferences: It is important to choose an activity that is enjoyable and that you can maintain over time. If you don’t like running, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to stick to a regular schedule.

The key factor: long-term sustainability

A crucial factor in choosing between running and walking is the sustainability of the activity. It is important to consider which of the two practices best suits your lifestyle, personal preferences and goals. Walking may be easier to incorporate into the daily routine and maintain long-term for some people, while others may find running more rewarding and stimulating.

The pivot on which the choice is based (given that one activity does not exclude the other…) should therefore be not only the caloric expenditure, but also the consistency with which the activity can be practiced.

Here is the perfect recipe

From a scientific point of view it is therefore easy to answer that running allows you to burn more calories, but on the contrary there is no single answer as to which is best for losing weight. The choice depends on individual goals, fitness level, health conditions and personal preference, but above all it is good to remember that the real key to effective and sustainable weight loss lies in consistency and the combination of physical exercise with a balanced, low-calorie dietan essential element for losing weight.

  • Train regularly: To achieve visible results, it is important to train at least 3-4 times a week (but remember, little is still better than nothing, even if only for your heart).
  • Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your training: As your fitness improves, increase the intensity and duration of your workout to continue burning calories and losing weight.
  • Combine exercise with a balanced diet: Nutrition plays a fundamental role in weight loss. It is important to follow a balanced, low-calorie diet.

For some, a combination of running and walking could be the optimal strategy, offering a balance between intensity and sustainability, but ideally strength work should also be included, which allows you to increase lean mass (muscle) which has the dual advantage of

2024-02-25 09:46:00
#run #walk #lose #weight

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