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Running: The Medicine for Preventing and Healing 7 Diseases

Every day I tell my patients, “Exercise is your medicine. Exercise thirty minutes a day and meditate thirty minutes. Doing both saves time.” Running not only prevents disease, it also heals it. All in all, running is a simple and effective way of exercising, which can help us keep healthy, prevent diseases, and treat some diseases at the same time. If you haven’t started running yet, start now!

Running has many benefits and can treat 7 diseases

1. Anti-aging:Statistics tell us that physically fit people simply live longer than lazy people and look younger. look around you! Exercise can even keep you away from Alzheimer’s and dementia. If you don’t believe me, ask someone else’s experience.

2. Eliminate burnout:Everyone says they are tired, except runners. Thirty minutes of daily jogging builds resilience.

3. Anti-depression:Exercise balances a chaotic mind more effectively than antidepressants like Prozac.

Exercise balances a chaotic mind more effectively than antidepressants like Prozac.

Exercise balances a chaotic mind more effectively than antidepressants like Prozac.

4. Prevention of breast cancer:One in nine women develops breast cancer. Please, please, please everyone, go for a run! Start your fitness program ASAP! Exercise can reduce your cancer risk by at least 30%, saving your life. This also applies to other types of cancer.

5. Prevent osteoporosis:Running prevents bone atrophy and fracture more than any drug.

6. Prevention of diabetes:Regular exercise can save you a few insulin shots and allow you to enjoy low-carb and healthy meals more relish, the second-best way to prevent diabetes.

7. Prevention of myocardial infarction:Running can unblock blood vessels, reduce arteriosclerosis, and prevent infarction. Moderate exercise is the best bypass surgery.

breath is life energy

Our breath is a seismograph of life energy. If you breathe in the wrong way, you will lose your life energy – you will be out of breath, your throat will be strangled, and you will not be able to breathe air. Proper breathing can have a positive impact on mood and perception. The easiest way to do this is to take a deep breath through your nose.

Proper breathing can have a positive impact on mood and perception. The easiest way to do this is to take a deep breath through your nose.

Proper breathing can have a positive impact on mood and perception. The easiest way to do this is to take a deep breath through your nose.

Breathe through your nose while running? Can it be done? The answer is yes. But the nose also takes training, and you have to invest a little time getting used to it. Why is nose breathing worth the time spent training? Because the nose needs movement too, the mucous membranes want air to circulate in order to function properly. The air you breathe into your body has to be clean and warm, moving air through your trachea to your lungs, which can only be done through your nose. If all goes well, the body will feel relaxed and calm.

When breathing, the nose processes the inhaled gas. The cilia filter out millions of dirt particles from the air and humidify it, sending the air optimally into the lungs. The nasopharyngeal area is covered with mucous membranes, and its function is like a heater, heating the air instantly so that the temperature of the air is almost the same as the body temperature.

Breathing through the mouth can easily lead to infection, especially inflammation of the throat, trachea and lungs, and even nasal polyps. When the Creator created life, the function of the mouth was only to eat food and as an emergency entrance and exit for breathing air, and to breathe through the mouth only in emergency situations. For example, a person who has not exercised for a long time suddenly climbs the stairs to the fourth floor quickly, and then breathes oxygen desperately. Breathing through the mouth will make the body feel stressed, the breath is quick and shallow, and the lungs cannot get enough oxygen, resulting in insufficient oxygen uptake.

Re-learn to breathe slowly

Not everyone breathes through their nose, especially when running. Some people even find it difficult to breathe through their nose. They are not used to doing this, or have symptoms such as a curved septum and nasal polyps. But even such a nose can be trained. Keep breathing through your nose as long as you can, and watch when you switch to mouth breathing.

When you start breathing exercises, deliberately use your nasal passages to exhale and inhale. If you feel unwell during training, at least breathe in through your nose. You have to slow down your breathing a little and watch your neck, shoulders, chest and abdomen relax. Now please take a deep breath, give your nose some time, don’t think about the speed, deliberately slow yourself down. This is not a time to run, but a time to breathe. If you want to speed up your run, you can always breathe through your mouth.

Breathe slowly and watch for relaxation in the neck, shoulders, chest and abdomen.

Breathe slowly and watch for relaxation in the neck, shoulders, chest and abdomen.

Please start breathing through your nose at a low speed. When you feel you’re running out of air, switch to mouth breathing until you can breathe through your nose again—and slow down your running speed. You will find that after breathing through your nose, the distance you run can gradually increase. Running with nasal breathing helps with meditation, lowers stress and makes the body feel good. Is there a specific breathing rate? Inhale three times and exhale three times? Inhale four times and exhale four times? There are actually no specific rules. The breathing rate depends entirely on your physical fitness, running rhythm and speed. So please experiment for yourself.

The breathing rate automatically adapts to the running rhythm. Your heart, lungs, and legs adjust to your running, allowing your body to run at its natural pace without requiring you to pay attention. Also notice the moment of exhalation. The bigger you exhale, the easier and more deeply you breathe in when you inhale. Because the lungs work like a bellows, the bellows can only be filled again when the inside is completely empty. The same goes for the lungs.

Seven Rules of Breathing

1. Take a deep breath:Inhale the air deeply into your abdomen. Let the diaphragm massage the internal organs, and oxygen flows through every cell.

2. Through the nose:Take your time, don’t rush, and focus on your breath. It is guaranteed that within two weeks, the only function of the mouth is chattering.

3. Without violence:Let the air gently enter the nasal cavity and flow away gently. Don’t deliberately inhale, don’t hold your breath, and don’t push air out of your body.

4. Clean up:When you run, you will replace your stressful thoughts and negative feelings. Combined with the movement of exhaling, you will throw away the baggage and make room for new, beautiful and energetic things.

Combined with the act of exhaling, let go of the baggage and make room for something new, good, and full of energy.

Combined with the act of exhaling, let go of the baggage and make room for something new, good, and full of energy.

5. Questions:What does the air take away from you? Feel with your heart. Let your breath help you organize your life.

6. Relax:While inhaling and exhaling gently, check where else is there tension in your body? Forehead, facial muscles, neck, shoulders, chest, arms, abdomen and pelvis, everything becomes lighter, let yourself relax.

7. Quiet or noisy:Enjoy the tranquility, or make noises as you breathe. Inhale gently, breathing out forcefully with a “ha” to let the air out of your lungs.

This article is excerpted from “Easily Running Out of Health” published by Jianxing Culture

2023-06-14 02:02:23

#running #good #medicine #cure #diseasesRunning #helps #stay #kinds #diseases #healthy

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