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Running: Anne Ruhl is a founding member of the Instagram group “Running Moms”

Anne Ruhl loves running. That was not always so. In order not to lose motivation, she has joined the “Running Moms” on Instagram, who now organize charity runs.

Großenlüder – you just have to make it. And cost 30 more laps around the dining room table. “My husband jokes that we would probably have furrows in the ground at some point.” She wouldn’t care. Anne Ruhl from Großenlüder has an ambitious goal: 13,000 steps a day – throughout March. The passionate runner likes to challenge herself. And she shares her challenges with the whole world.

She keeps her subscribers up to date on the social media platform Instagram. Her channel “anne_run” already has more than 2,650 followers. But that wasn’t her goal when she started doing sport. “I’ve always been a little overweight and wanted to do something for myself,” reports the 36-year-old.

“Running Moms”: Mothers run together on Instagram

So she started exercising in 2017, changed her diet and came across a weight loss community on Instagram. This did her good, her fellow campaigners on the net motivated Anne Ruhl to defeat her inner weaker self, to stick with it. The mother of two started running, became more and more active and has lost 15 kilos to this day. Meanwhile, weight is no longer the main reason for exercising. Rather, it has become a passion.

In April 2019, Anne Ruhl founded the community “The Running Moms” with other mothers. Eileen Rogge from Hamm laid the foundation stone back then, wrote several mothers across Germany via Instagram who shared their running history on the social network. A group of women quickly formed for the organization team. Ruhl has also been on board since then and now maintains the “Running Moms” Instagram channel twice a week.

The primary goal of the group is to motivate each other. “We push ourselves, and everyone can join in,” explains Ruhl. But the running mothers – meanwhile they are actually no longer just mothers, but also childless, a man is part of the organizational team – still wanted to do good. That is why they started the first virtual donation run in September 2020 with 240 direct participants and a sum of 2100 euros.

The “Running Moms” organize charity runs

In December there was a St. Nicholas run with more than 270 participants. Now the third run is just around the corner, the “Happy Moms Run” on – what could be better? – Mother’s Day weekend (May 8th and 9th). It is intended for everyone, even wheelchair users can take part. The participants enter the kilometers and times they have covered online.

After deduction of all costs, five charity organizations throughout Germany are considered, including the children’s and youth hospice “Kleine Helden” from Hünfeld. “We conducted a survey among everyone involved about where the money should go. Then there was a vote, ”explains Ruhl, who brought the“ Little Heroes ”into play.

For the mother of two, the regular charity runs are more like the icing on the cake for the community of “The Running Moms”. For them, motivation comes first. Likewise, she often feels inspired by fellow campaigners.

Anne Ruhl on Instagram: fitness videos for her followers

So she is not only constantly active and takes her followers with her, but now also produces small videos with sports exercises on the mat. “I just wanted to do this for myself. But I’ve gotten so much feedback from people who do the exercises and even ask me for tips. I’m not a professional. ”For her, exercise is simply part of everyday life.

She exemplifies this approach to life for her children Lieselotte (9) and Ferdinand (4). “The way to kindergarten, shopping, and visiting friends is wonderful on foot or by bike,” says the industrial clerk. She enjoys sharing this attitude with the world at the same time. “Instagram has become a bit of an addiction. It just pushes me tremendously when there are so many reactions to my contributions. ”

Charity-Lauf „Happy Moms Run“

The “Happy Moms Run” takes place on Mother’s Day weekend, May 8th and 9th. In this virtual run, the participants determine the route themselves. Distances offered: running / walking / walking: 3 (family), 5, 10 or 21.1 kilometers. Wheelchair users: 3, 5 or 7 kilometers.

Each participant will receive a medal upon request, and the start number and certificate will be sent by email.

The entry fee of 20 euros is paid via Race-Result when registering. After deducting the costs, the proceeds go to five organizations in Germany that support families and children in need and / or sick, including the “Little Heroes” Hünfeld.

All information and the possibility to register are available on the Internet: the-running-moms.de

However, the 36-year-old places little value on speed or kilometers covered. But she always sets herself big goals and challenges. The 13,000 steps you take a day currently require a pretty strong will – after all, she often only has 4,000 steps on the clock on office days. Can the Ruhls’ floor withstand that?

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