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Run and hide connects Portugal with books

The series already has five books published, and the sixth is about to be published to finish Amy Sheldon’s story.

In an interview with The Portugal NewsMarsh revealed that the book’s heroine is “a British undercover cop who realises her bosses are going to frame her and send her to jail.” She therefore has to choose between “biting the bullet or running away and hiding.” Amy Sheldon then “escapes from corrupt police and criminal gangsters who want her dead, but she can’t escape her memories.”

All of the books have some connection to Portuguese culture, whether through language or even the location. The author has lived in Portugal and learned “that people wear their emotions proudly, take risks and embrace the unknown.” Having written “14 crime dramas set in Europe,” JJ Marsh wanted the Run and Hide series to span “the globe” and began looking through an atlas and discovered that “many former Portuguese colonies seemed like intriguing places, ideal as a backdrop for a thriller.”

He also knows how to speak Portuguese, which helped build the story.

The story of the book travels across almost all continents, starting in Brazil and then moving on to Asia, in Macau and Goa. Mozambique is also the setting for the book, “Pearl Moon”. Portugal will also be part of the series, as the events of the last book take place in the Azores, specifically on the island of São Miguel.

Each book takes JJ Marsh almost a year to write, spending “six months on a first draft,” and another two months editing and proofreading what she has written. However, all six books were already planned before she wrote the first one. This process allowed the author to “create an arc for this character, developing her as she meets other people, gets caught up in adventures, grows, and reaches her final destination.”

The book can be purchased online, through Amazon, and is available worldwide in “paperback and audiobooks (…) as well as ebooks.” The books have not yet been translated into Portuguese, but Jill Marsh hopes to “have all six Run and Hide books translated into Portuguese next year.”

Deeply in love with music and with a guilty pleasure in criminal cases, Bruno G. Santos decided to study Journalism and Communication, hoping to combine both passions into writing. The journalist is also a passionate traveller who likes to write about other cultures and discover the various hidden gems from Portugal and the world. Press card: 8463.

Bruno G. Santos

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