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Rumors of Unable to Restate and Willing to Leave a Former Marriage, Lesty Kejora Finally Reveals the Reasons for Breaking Up from Rizki D’Academy – All Pages

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Lesty Kejora and Rizki D’Academy

GridHype.IDLesty Kejora right now he is close to a handsome artist, Rizky Billiards.

Even since their appearance in a talkshow, the two of them have been prayed for by Indonesian netizens to make a match.

Not without reason, the history of romance between Lesty Kejora and Rizky Billiards the same reason that the person closest to you left behind was the reason.

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The rise in popularity of Lesty Kejora will undoubtedly reveal the long history of romance that has existed with Rizki D’Academy.

Even recently, Lesty Kejora opened their voices about why he and Rizky Syafruddin or Rizky DA broke up some time ago.

Many circulate that the relationship between Lesty and Rizky did not have the blessing of Lesty’s parents, this is strictly denied by Lesty.

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“So, actually to emphasize there are many issues that say dedek did not work with people before because he didn’t have the blessing of his parents, that’s a big mistake,” said Lesty Kejora in a virtual interview, Friday (14/8/2020).

“Parents never determine dedek to anyone. Parents just let it go,” he explained.

Lesty said there were things that led to the end of her relationship with Rizky and that no one needed to know.

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“Why can I do that because there are problems that other people don’t need to know, all they need to know is dedek from the previous one,” explained Lesty.

“Why split up, because we are committed and have not yet matched, there are problems that cannot make us progress. It’s been a long time to stay kind and friendly,” he said.

On July 17, 2020, Rizky married a woman named Nadya Mustika Rahayu. During the wedding, Lesty Kejora was seen present.

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This became a byword, especially when Lesty shed tears when she hugged Rizky Syafruddin’s mother.

Now Lesty is reportedly close to Rizky Billar who is predicted to become Lesty’s new companion.

This article has been published on Tribunjakarta.com with the title Lesty Kejora Denies Putusa with Rizky DA Because It Is Blocked by Parents’ blessing

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