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Rumors and Tensions Emerge as New Participant Enters Alexey Adeev’s Project

A fan of Alexander came to Alexey Adeev’s project, and Bezus also liked her, which made Elizaveta Subbotina tense, because she has to prove to Lyosha the sincerity of her feelings every day. Not even a day has passed since rumors appeared on the network at the instigation of the former hero of House 2. Arthur Nikolaychuk told Bezus about the past of the new participant Sasha Bakhlaeva and claims that she is not an actress, but a swindler.

Arthur is well aware of Bakhlaeva’s life, because he himself at one time worked with her and her boyfriend in the same area, where the couple suffered serious scandals.

Arthur did not share the details with his audience, but noted that Bezus knows everything and Alexey will be able to tell if he wants the true story of this girl at Lobnoye Mesto.

In the meantime, Sasha says that she had an affair with a guy in Turkey, and on the project she is looking for a Russian guy for love and relationship. We will find out the details at the shloka from the broadcasts, house 2, 10/25/2023. It seems that the girl wants to get her boyfriend involved in the project, but who will allow her to do this? Is it better to let Barzikov or Bezus entertain while there is time?

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