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Rumores sobre una posible crisis en el matrimonio del príncipe Enrique y Meghan Markle

Los rumores sobre una posible crisis en el matrimonio del príncipe Enrique y Meghan Markle están creciendo, con teorías de todo tipo circulando en los medios. Aunque parecían estar muy unidos, parece que su relación podría estar pasando por un momento difícil. Se especula que la pareja está distanciada y que están atravesando un bache importante. Además, el juicio del hijo del rey Carlos III contra los medios de comunicación por espionaje sigue en curso en el Reino Unido, lo que añade más presión a su situación. Por si fuera poco, sus proyectos profesionales no están despegando como esperaban.

Después de tres años de su salida de la familia real, parece que las cosas no están saliendo como ellos planeaban. Recientemente, Spotify canceló el podcast de Meghan, “Archetypes”, que tenía un contrato valorado en 18 millones de euros. La compañía argumentó baja productividad como razón para romper el acuerdo. Aunque aún tienen un contrato vigente con Netflix, se rumorea que Markle podría convertirse en musa de Dior. Algunos sugieren que todo esto podría ser una estrategia de marketing perfectamente orquestada para mantenerse en el centro de atención mediática, ya que su popularidad parece estar disminuyendo.

Además, se ha informado que el príncipe Enrique ha adquirido una participación como socio en un exclusivo hotel a dos horas de su hogar familiar. Este establecimiento se caracteriza por su discreción y por tapar las cámaras de los teléfonos móviles para respetar la privacidad de sus huéspedes. También se ha revelado que el príncipe ha visitado a un abogado matrimonialista, lo que ha llevado a especulaciones sobre sus intenciones de mantener su nivel de vida actual.

En cuanto a un posible divorcio, se ha mencionado que Meghan habría pedido 80 millones de dólares y que esta separación sería la única forma de que ella pudiera volver a formar parte de la Corona británica.

Todos los movimientos de la pareja en sus escasas apariciones públicas están siendo analizados minuciosamente. Por ejemplo, cuando protagonizaron una “kiss cam” en un partido de baloncesto de la NBA, muchos interpretaron el gesto de Meghan como una negativa hacia el príncipe.

A pesar de los rumores y las especulaciones, la pareja no ha hecho ninguna declaración oficial sobre el estado de su matrimonio. Solo el tiempo dirá si estos rumores son ciertos o si se trata simplemente de especulaciones infundadas.Rumors of a Hypothetical Crisis Between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Spark Theories of All Kinds

04 July 2023. Updated at 13:42.

Yes, you read that right. The question is whether Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are going through a crisis that could be definitive in their marriage. They, who seemed so united, may not be as much. The truth is that there are all kinds of theories about what is happening between them. Some claim that the couple is going through a significant rough patch and that they are distant. Their relationship has not been a bed of roses because while these rumors circulate, the trial of King Charles III’s son against a conglomerate of media outlets accused of espionage continues in the United Kingdom. In addition, their professional projects have not taken off.

After three years since their departure from the royal family, it seems that nothing is going as they planned. Now, Spotify has just canceled Meghan’s podcast, “Archetypes.” The contract was worth around 18 million euros, and the company justified the cancellation due to low productivity. However, their agreement with Netflix is still in effect, and there are rumors that Markle could be chosen as a muse for Dior. Faced with this deflating bubble, others claim that all of this is part of a perfectly orchestrated marketing strategy. For what purpose? To stay in the media spotlight as their star begins to fade and their lives seem to be of less interest.

Prince Harry has reportedly bought a stake as a partner in an exclusive hotel two hours away from the family home. It is an establishment where members pay a fee and have access to its rooms. It is also known for its discretion, as they cover the cameras on mobile phones to respect the privacy of those who stay there. This information is added to the prince’s visit to a matrimonial lawyer, with whom he had a two-hour meeting. They do not want to lose the lifestyle they have, and their bubble is deflating, according to several sources.

Regarding a hypothetical divorce, others suggest that Meghan has asked for $80 million, and that separation would be the only way for her to be part of the British Crown again.

Everyone is scrutinizing their every move in their rare public appearances, such as a few months ago when they were caught on the kiss cam at an NBA basketball game, which many interpreted as Meghan rejecting Harry.

Only time will tell if the rumors are true or not. The fact is that, for now, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex continue to remain silent and live their lives away from the royal family with their two children, Archie and Lilibet.

Archived in:
– Prince Harry
– Divorce
– Meghan Markle
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Is there any truth to the speculation surrounding Prince Harry’s visit to a divorce lawyer and Meghan asking for $80 million in a possible divorce settlement

R three years since their departure from the royal family, things are not going as planned for Harry and Meghan. Recently, Spotify canceled Meghan’s podcast, “Archetypes,” which had an 18 million euro contract. The company cited low productivity as the reason for ending the agreement. Although they still have an ongoing contract with Netflix, there are rumors that Markle may become a muse for Dior. Some suggest that all of this could be a well-orchestrated marketing strategy to keep themselves in the media spotlight, as their popularity seems to be dwindling.

Furthermore, it has been reported that Prince Harry has acquired a stake as a partner in an exclusive hotel two hours away from their family home. This establishment is known for its discretion and for blocking mobile phone cameras to respect the privacy of its guests. It has also been revealed that the prince has visited a divorce lawyer, leading to speculation about his intentions to maintain his current lifestyle.

Regarding a possible divorce, it has been mentioned that Meghan allegedly asked for $80 million and that this separation would be the only way for her to rejoin the British Royal Family.

Every move the couple makes during their rare public appearances is being scrutinized. For example, when they appeared on the “kiss cam” at an NBA basketball game, many interpreted Meghan’s gesture as a rejection of the prince.

Despite the rumors and speculations, the couple has not made any official statements about the state of their marriage. Only time will tell if these rumors are true or simply unfounded speculation.

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