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Rumor: Uber wants to sell its self-driving car division – IT Pro – News

I cannot understand how an Uber is not yet bankrupt. The money is running out all over the place.

It seems that this valuation is more of a sort of monopoly money and that such a ‘valuation’ simply seems like an unrealistic figure, but one that you as an investor then work with.

At the moment money is quite cheap due to the low interest rates, so that will blow things up quite a bit and it is easy to keep boosting things up with loans. The question is how it ends when these kinds of bubbles burst. That’s what happened to WeWork and Theranos. (Even with the pandemic, I can’t imagine that Uber is really running smoothly).

It is mainly institutional investors who subsequently lose their money. On the one hand, well, they should have properly assessed the risks, on the other hand, they are also pension funds for example.

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