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Rumor: ‘iPad Pro with mini LED screen will be released early 2021’

Over the past year, stories were regularly circulated about Apple’s plans to equip the iPad Pro with a mini LED screen. Now another rumor has surfaced: the first iPad Pro with a mini LED screen will appear in the first quarter of 2021.

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Rumor: ‘iPad Pro with mini LED screen will be released in the first quarter of 2021’

A new report from the Korean AND News once again confirmed the rumor that the first iPad Pro with mini LED screen to be announced in early 2021. The news website states that the successor to the iPad Pro 2020 will be published in the first months of next year.

For a long time it was thought that the new iPad Pro had production problems, and would therefore not be released until later in the year. According to ET News, that’s not the case. The Korean website indicates that LG supplies the mini LED screens to Apple. The company is now preparing this delivery. Mass production is expected to start at the end of 2020.

The switch to mini LED is an important improvement. While the iPhone and Apple Watch have an OLED screen, the new ones iPad Air 2020 and entryiPad 2020 still do with a traditional LCD display.

Mini LED is a small version of the traditional LED screen. To illustrate, if a screen consists of a hundred LED lights, thousands of mini LED lights will be needed to fill the same size.

Advantages of a mini LED screen

Although mini-LED is not necessarily better than OLED, the screen technology does have several advantages over the ‘older’ LCD screen. For example, the thousands of mini LED lights provide a higher contrast. Which also makes the image quality higher.

In addition, mini LED screens can be made extra thin. Thinner than what is possible with LCD and OLED screens. This is a significant advantage for Apple, as the company prefers to make its designs as light and thin as possible.

A final additional advantage is that the production costs are lower than those of OLED screens. In addition, a mini LED screen is also a lot easier to produce. Apple ran the first OLED iPhone, the iPhone X, faced a lot of production problems, which meant that the stock of the device was limited for months. Such a situation is unlikely to occur with the first iPad Pro with a mini LED screen.

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